Election 1940: Governors Race (10-4-40)

Reading Eagle (October 4, 1940)


34 States Will Select New Executives In November Vote

Washington, Oct. 4 (AP) –

Overshadowed by the presidential campaign, a little noted fact in this election year is that 34 states are electing governors, whose importance to a closely-knit national party organization has always been recognized.

The Democrats now hold 39 of the 48 gubernatorial jobs. The 34 places being filled this year – counting Maine, which elected Sumner Sewall, a Republican, September 9 – are now held by 19 Democrats and 15 Republicans. 11 Democratic and 3 Republican governors are not up for re-election.

More than 80 candidates, including minor party nominees, will contest for the 33 governorships to be voted on next month.

They include United States Senator Matthew M. Neely (D-WV), former Secretary of the Navy Charles Edison (D-NJ), former Senator Clarence C. Dill (D-WA), former governors Eugene Talmadge (D-GA) and Martin L. Davey (D-OH), mayors Walter W. Bacon (Wilmington, DE, [R]), Arthur B. Langlie (Seattle, WA [R]) and Chase A. Clark (Idaho Falls, ID [D]) and 18 incumbent governors.

18 Were Renominated

Of the 18 gubernatorial incumbents renominated, 12 are Republicans and 6 are Democrats.

Three Democratic governors – Bailey (AR), Martin (WA) and Jones (AZ) – were defeated for renomination.

10 Democratic and 3 Republican governors were not candidates to succeed themselves.

The Democrats were Horner (IL), Cochran (NE, nominated for Senate), Cone (FL), Holt (WV), Moore (NJ), Hoey (NC), Townsend (IN), Stark (MO, defeated for Senate), Blood (UT) and Rivers (GA)

The Republicans were Barrows (ME, defeated for Senate), Murphy (NH) and Aiken (VT, nominated for Senate).