Editorial: We forget that all men are equal in sight of God (2-23-46)

The Pittsburgh Press (February 23, 1946)

Editorial: We forget that all men are equal in sight of God

By the Religious News Service

It is a fundamental Christian and democratic truth that whatever their race, creed or color, all men are equal in the sight of God. All men are brothers. They are coequal members of God’s family, and whoever injures one injures all, including himself.

Since this is our creed – as Christians and Americans – it follows that we must be vitally concerned over the injustices that many thousands of our fellow citizens continue to suffer because of racial and religious prejudices. That anti-Semitism, anti-Negroism, and other forms of bigotry persist in America is proof that many have still to learn the meaning of God’s second great precept: “Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself.”

Perhaps they do not realize the greatness of man, or the depth of love which God feels for the least of his creatures. Every man is an immortal being with a soul created in the image and likeness of God. The human soul is so precious to Christ that even had there been only one man in the world, He would have died to save him. Yet there are men who mock this unfathomable love by deliberately denying to others those simple human rights which are the marks of our common affinity.

Whatever the excuses some use to justify discriminations or injustices inflicted upon Jews or Negroes or other minority groups, there can be no defense when the culprits render an accounting to God. The wrongdoer will find he has done himself even greater harm when God reminds him in wrath: “Whatever you did to the least of these my brethren, you did unto me.”