The Pittsburgh Press (August 24, 1943)
Editorial: The girls can take it
Writing from North Africa weeks ago, Ernie Pyle said:
The WAACs are much prouder over here, I believe, than the men are. I doubt if even a harmful of them would go home if given a chance.
About the same time, it was announced in Washington that the WAACs were to drop their auxiliary status and be incorporated into the Regular Army, under the new name WACs – and that each member would have the option of staying in or getting out.
Now comes word from North Africa that only one WAC in 10 is choosing to get out and go home – and most of that one-tenth are actuated by family problems back in the States.
It looks as if Ernie’s estimate of the girls’ ability to stand homesickness and discomfort in the service of the Flag was pretty close to the mark.