Editorial: Churchill speech heartening shows Allies’ cooperation (2-13-43)

Brooklyn Eagle (February 13, 1943)

Editorial: Churchill speech heartening shows Allies’ cooperation

To the ordinary American, the noteworthy parts of Prime Minister Churchill’s report to the House of Commons were those that indicated the growth of understanding and cooperation among the United Nations.

Proud as every American must be that our Gen. Eisenhower is Allied Supreme Commander in the African-Mediterranean theater, Gen. Eisenhower’s appointment to that position of great responsibility is of less importance than the fact that Britain and the United States are agreed that the African command must be unified.

Equally gratifying is it to be told that members of the British and American High Commands have conferred with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek in China, and with Field Marshal Wavell in India. Implicit in Mr. Churchill’s speech was the indication that the plans for global victory hammered out on the anvil at Casablanca were made with the full knowledge of Joseph Stalin.

All of this is the best possible sign that our war leaders are thinking along worldwide lines, and realize that victory must be achieved as a whole, that military and political moves in one area must be coordinated with moves in all other areas if victory is not to be too long delayed.

Mr. Churchill’s optimistic view of the submarine situation was somewhat surprising in the light of the thoroughly depressing statements that have been issued on this side of the water. One can only hope that the Prime Minister’s views will be justified by the events to come.

Indeed, his whole speech rang with the confidence of a man who never has faltered in his stubborn faith in victory but who now at last feels himself in a position to promise heavy offensive blows, the blows that will bring down the Western bastions of the German fortress as the Russians are bringing down the bastions of the East.

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