[DUBIOUS] Max Schmeling reported killed by British in Crete (5-29-41)

The Pittsburgh Press (May 29, 1941)


max schmeling

Alexandria, Egypt, May 29 (UP) –
Max Schmeling, the greatest German prize fighter of all time, and former world heavyweight champion, has been killed in Crete while fighting as a Nazi parachute soldier, reliable New Zealand military sources said today.

Informants said Schmeling had been made a prisoner and was killed when he seized the riflr of a wounded man and tried to escape.

The report was not official, and hence could not be confirmed, but it was told circumstantially by field ambulance men who said his body had been identified positively. They said Schmeling was wounded slightly and captured during the first days of the fighting in Crete.

It was known that Schmeling had been among the first parachute troops landed in Crete. Though 35, far over the maximum age for parachutists, he had volunteered for parachute work and had been promoted from private to corporal.

Schmeling was taken to a field dressing station and showed papers bearing his name, it was said. At the same time, informants asserted, he said in English, with an American accent, that he was a boxer.

Officers at the scene were satisfied beyond doubt of Schmeling’s identity, it was said.

Informants asserted that Schmeling became truculent and threatening when he was sent from the dressing station to a prison camp with other prisoners, tried to escape and was killed.

Nazi informants at Berlin said today they had heard nothing of Max Schmeling having been killed in Crete.

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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (May 30, 1941)


Report Schmeling sick in Army hospital

Berlin, May 30 (AP) –
Germany announced officially today that Max Schmeling, the former world heavyweight boxing champion, is alive but confined to a hospital with a tropical disease picked up while fighting as a Nazi parachute trooper in Crete.

Taken from the thick of the fighting in which he participated actively, Schmeling was placed in an air force hospital – presumably somewhere off the besieged Greek island.

London, May 30 (AP) –
Authorized British sources said today there was no reason to doubt the official announcement from Berlin that Max Schmeling was alive in a Nazi air force hospital.

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The Pittsburgh Press (May 31, 1941)


Berlin, May 31 (UP) –
Authorized German sources said yesterday that Max Schmeling, the former world heavyweight champion reported by the British as having been killed in Crete, is alive.

Informants said Schmeling is now at an air force hospital where he was brought from Crete after contracting a “slight tropical case” a few days ago.

Schmeling was revealed for the first time to be a lance corporal in the German parachute force.

Spokesmen said he was among the first group of parachutists landed in western Crete, where he took part in the fighting. Operating under great difficulties, they said, he helped establish the bridgehead there which made possible the landing of reinforcements.

Schmeling has not been wounded, and his condition is not serious, the Nazis said.

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We desperately need a Max Schmeling bio special. His story sounds very interesting.


Apparently there’s a movie from 2010 about him directed by Uwe Boll, for what it’s worth. I haven’t seen it so I can’t say whether or not its any good.


Uwe Boll… that name strikes fear into the hearts of every gamer… :persevere:


Ah, Uwe. I had the misfortune of seeing House of the Dead in theaters. :man_facepalming:

Still a better experience than seeing Wild Wild West.