Did Stalin plan to invade Iran before 22 june 1941?

Did Stalin plan to invade Iran before 22 june 1941?
I have read in the book’Sunrise at Abadan’ by Richard Steward that the Soviet Union plnnen dan invasion of Iran before they were attacked bij Germany. Steward mentions that Britain was woried about that and warned the Soviet Union that they would defend their oil interests in Iran. Steward also mentions that the Soviet force invading Iran together with Britain was excessive large given the fat that thje Soviet Union was fighting for its survival on an other front.
Victor Suvorov also mentions Soviet preparations for an invasion of Iran prior to 22 june 1941 in his book ‘The chief culprit’.
Did Stalin plan to invade Iran only is Germany was succesful in Iraq of did the German invasion of the Soviet Union save Iran from a complete Soviet occupation?
Did Stalin pospone invasion plans for Iran because of the Rudolf Hess affair?
Dear Indy, what do you know about the Soviet invasion plans for Iran?

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