Dear Instagram, your algorithm is an idiot

So up pops the latest post on the ww2_day_by_day account on Instagram. Except… the picture is obscured for containing “sensitive content”:

So what is this sensitive content, the viewing of which will doubtless inflict instantaneous PTSD and a really bad case of the vapours, requiring a strong dose of smelling salts and a cup of tea?

It’s this:

For the love of General George S Patton, who would doubtless be rolling in his grave at how dewicate (sic) and sensitive Big Tech wants to make the general populace, all in the sacred name of “Safeteee and Sekuriteee”. And at the thought of idiot AI bots that can come up with something like this.


If enough holocaust deniers/proponents write scripts they are upset AI will propose a ban. This whole thing sucks. Meanwhile lies about “supergermans” are accepted.

I got rid of instagram on my phone as well as FB


Stuff like this is why YouTube is the only social media I use…

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To whom though? Other AI’s? Are they talking? Should be worried?

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AI is mostly I as it will do what the humans tell it to do. You can mess it up with false data. E.g. overwhelm posts on evolution by religious people with books.

I and other people who actually work with AI have to keep reminding people that like any computer it works on algorythms (which might suck), A simple example is the word suggest, the autocomplete learns from what you choose is right. But humans still complete the suggestion.This is an example were it works. I am sure people have lots of examples were it doesn’t work

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