Could WWII have been avoided?

Given how closely related the leaders of Germany, England, and Russia were going into WWI was there any chance that WWII could be avoided given the rise of Nationalism and other issues that came about as a result of WWI?


I think so, but it would have been very difficult, and it would have involved situations that would have provoked other wars. For example, one key early on would have been to prevent Mussolini from either gaining or consolidating power by giving Italy much better terms after WWI. Another key would have been for the British to reform their military much earlier.


Well one scenario would entail, attack Germany once it broke the Versailles treaty but there was no true political will for this. Moreover it would spark more what Ifs and have resulted in civil unrest in Germany.

Going back Further Hitler was very lucky to get elected. A different election result and we might never had heard of Hitler, Coincidence is the most underrated cause of history IMO. (We as humans have brains which are hardcoded to detect patterns, so coincidence is harder to accept).