Could Germany have won a war with USSR one on one without the other allies helping the Soviets?

In WW2 Germany was already fighting a massive war before operation Barbarossa. But say what if Britain and France didn’t honor the treaty with Poland and left Germany alone. Then Hitler could go into operation Barbarossa with all his forces. Could the Nazis win with their full might focused on the USSR?


No. With German policy of erxterminate the population ,exploit Eastern Europe and Russia ruthlessly and Soviet resources beyond Urals and Caucaus , Nazi Germany had no chance against Soviet Union. Soviet casaulties would multiply incalculable rates but Red Army would first reach Berlin.


I think they wouldn’t have won ,their logistic wouldn’t be that great and they would still lack the ressource and the industrial capacity to fight the USSR


yes, they would win. soviets had no equipment and many people supported germans in territories of ussr

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After reading the bataille & blindés hors série 11+12+watching the channel on barbarossa, I’m not sure they would(unless logistic isn’t a thing anymore and the nazi somehow got boost to death and the soviet do nothing against the german)


I think they would have pushed further into the USSR but I don’t think they could knock them out of the fight. The battles for Stalingrad and Moscow might have lasted longer and the Germans might have been able to delay the Soviet push to Berlin for longer, perhaps long enough to sign a peace agreement (doubtful), but I don’t think they could beat them.

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