Catholics Demand All Aid to Britain to Balk Dictators (11-9-40)

The Pittsburgh Press (November 9, 1940)

‘Christianity Threatened’ —

‘Must Give That She May Carry on the War to Victory Lest We Be Left Alone to Face Despots Europe and Asia,’ Statement Says

New York, Nov. 9 (UP) –

A group of prominent American Catholics – professors, authors, clergymen, educators and scientists – expressed their belief today that Christianity is threatened by European dictatorship and recommended that the United States give full aid to Britain’s war effort.

Three Catholic Bishops were among the signers.

Stating that “Hitlerism, like Communism,” seeks to subvert Christianity, the signers avowed that:

None of the conflicts that have divided Western Civilization should be permitted to obscure this transcendent issue.

Whatever some of us may feel concerning the actions of England in the past, her defeat in the present war would mean the triumph of those who would usurp the things of God. We believe there is only one way in which we can prevent our kind of civilization from falling under the domination of Hitler’s evil despotism and ultimately going down into the pit beneath it.

We must give all possible aid to Britain that she may carry on the war to victory, lest we be left to face the dictators of Europe and Asia alone.

We believe this danger is imminent. Therefore, as American citizens and Catholics, we declare that we give out full support to the government of the United States for every prudent and effective effort it may make to overcome this evil thing.

Signers included:

  • Most Rev. Joseph Schrembs, Archbishop of Cleveland, OH;
  • Most Rev. Robert E. Lucey, Bishop of Amarillo, TX;
  • Most Rev. Edwin V. O’Hara, Bishop of Kansas City, MO;
  • Rev. John P. Boland, chairman of the New York State Labor Relations Board;
  • Pedro de Cordoba;
  • Mrs. Nicholas Murray Butler;
  • Rev. Maurice Sheehy, Catholic University;
  • Professor Eugene H. Byrne, Barnard College;
  • Dr. William M. Agar, Columbia University;
  • Professor Herbert C. Bell, Wesleyan University;
  • Professor Carlton J. H. Hayes, Columbia University;
  • Dr. George N. Schuster, president of Hunter College;
  • Matthew Woll, vice president, American a Federation of Labor;
  • Edward J. Brown, president, International Brotherhood Electrical Workers’ Union;
  • Colonel William J. Donovan;
  • Eddie Dowling, actor-producer;
  • James Byrne, chancellor of the University of the State of New York.
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