This story tells a lot about the children of Nazi’s in World War 2 and the difficulties and “feelings of shame”they had. This is a German example but it happened in many Countries and in many families.
This is a very powerful testimony. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
It indeed I ran into the story yesterday and it is …well powerful and unforgettable. What strikes me most is that he was ashamed to tell what his dad did but when people found out they commended him as they should that he made his own very admirable choices. I don’t believe in hereditary guilt.
Thanks Dwight and welcome to the forum. Let me/us know should there be any query. I have been to Florida quite often. I did part of my MBA in Orlando (actually got a behind the scenes tour of Disneyworld and did my flight training in Lakeland
(so not just the parks)
Wow, what an amazing story. Can’t imagine having to grow up dealing with something like that. I always wonder did the Japanese have the same shame? Especially for those who were POW camp guards or participated in the murder and raping across Asia?