Ban on "Ramparts" Upheld By Court (10-1-40)

Reading Eagle (October 1, 1940)


Board of Censors Decision Sustained by Judges

Philadelphia, Oct. 1 (AP) –

The Pennsylvania Board of Censors was upheld by the Court of Common Pleas today in banning two reels of a German propaganda film from the motion picture, The Ramparts We Watch.

Three judges ruled that the board in ordering elimination of a part of the film had not “abused its discretion” as contended by attorneys for Time, Inc. and RKO, producer and distributor respectively.

The part in question was taken from a German-made film, Baptism of Fire, showing the German conquest of Poland. The board of censors refused to approve these two reels on the ground they were part of “the Nazi fear propaganda.”

The court wrote in upholding the board:

Its showing implies direct penalties carried out in conquered territory against loyal citizens of that territory, and rewards the traitors of that country for such treacherous service, commonly called “fifth column activities.”

The right of an exhibitor to subject the citizens of Pennsylvania and the American people in general who have paid their admission fees to be entertained or enlightened, to such abuse, might well be questioned.

Picture Shown Here

The Ramparts We Watch was shown one complete day of four performances at the Park Theatre here last Wednesday. Ordered banned on the day it opened because of the two objectionable reels, the film was screened in the afternoon and evening performances, although state policemen attended the showing.

The theatre was closed the following noon (Thursday), but the management planned a special invitation showing that evening. However, the film was ordered removed by the state censors, according to reports from theatre officials.