At what point in Barbarossa the first sovjet peace-makers came up?

At what point of the whole Barbarossa-campaign, was the first time that sovjet “peace-detectors” (sorry have no better word for people who are send out to test the will for peace on the other side) have came up and how many times did that happen during the conflict? (disclaimer: I know that this happend at one point, but I can´t remember when and how often, neither where I read this). Thanks in advance!


The first few days. Stalin hoped to negotiate a ceasefire, it didn’t work. Check out the first two episodes of Barbarosa.

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Thanks for the answer!
I must admit that I haven´t watched the whole series from the beginning.
But werent there similar trys from the soviet side later at the war too?

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Welcome Henk, hope you enjoy this forum! John

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