I know the TG is a bit Swede-heavy so a question on the most famous Swede of all, the Swedish Chef.
1 What did he do during World War 2 are the rumors true that he used his bouncing meatballs against enemy shipping
2 Did he meet Patton at the Stockholm games?
3 Before I went to Sweden last year I spent 6 months on an intensive course including all the muppetshows. Surprisingly I still had trouble making myself clear. So the question is do the Swedes still speak Swedish as they could not understand me? (Weird)
4 Oh and I would really like a bouncing meatball episode including the recipe of the bouncing meatballs. I like the idea of dribbling my lunch to work.
5 And finally, Australia had an Emu war. Did Sweden have something similar like Drunk rednosed Reindeer fights?
Post might be day early:smiley:
Ask that in the stream one by one
Only if Australia had the Bob semple tank… they would have won and the emu empire suffered a crushing blow.
Did Swedes lose too against drunk reindeers?
Wouldn’t surprise me
For those not into famous Chefs, proof he is legit. Food Fight! (Extended Version) | with The Swedish Chef | Muppisode | The Muppets - YouTube