America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Roosevelt to speak on radio next Friday

WASHINGTON (UP) – President Roosevelt will deliver a radio message to 350 Democratic Party Jefferson Day dinners Friday, April 13.

Democratic National Chairman Robert E. Hannegan said the address would be broadcast over all major networks and will conclude a 30-minute program between 9:30 and 10 p.m. EWT.

He said Mr. Roosevelt would be unable to attend the Washington dinner.

Jefferson Day diners in Pittsburgh will not hear Mr. Roosevelt’s broadcast because the local dinner is being held Wednesday. Mr. Hannegan and U.S. Sen. Francis J. Myers are the speakers. Funds will be used for headquarters and local campaign expenses.

Time to remember

By Florence Fisher Parry

Part owner denies circus trip is doomed

Testifies at hearing of sentenced men

In Washington –
Food probers cite ‘buck-passing’

Meeting called at White House

Jury to try Chaplin sought

General and admiral join Jap death list

By the United Press

Tokyo reported today the deaths of Lt. Gen. Tadamichi Kuribayashi, commander of Jap forces on Iwo Jima, and Rear Adm. Toshinosuke Ichimaru, commander of Jap naval air forces in the Iwo sector.

A broadcast said Gen. Kuribayashi “died gallantly” leading his troops in a “final charge” on Iwo.

Tokyo now has reported the death of 41 generals and 123 flag officers since May.

Pay freezers entitled to 11% wage boost

Four WLB members given full status
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Senate faces new fight on use of boys, 18

Bipartisan group asks restriction

Jimmy Stewart promoted to colonel

U.S. EIGHTH AIR FORCE HQ, England (UP) – Former film star Jimmy Stewart of Indiana, Pennsylvania, has been promoted to the rank of colonel.

Col. Stewart, who has flown 20 combat mission as a bomber pilot, rose from captain to lieutenant colonel during his 18 months on the European Theater. He is now serving as chief of staff of a Liberator combat wing in Maj. Gen. William Kepner’s 2nd Air Division.

NAM advises care in setting annual wages

Admits merit in plan if used properly

Pickets push union drive to sign grocers, hucksters

Slow trickle of new members files into offices of Teamsters local

House group plans hearing on peace draft

Army urges training for males 17 to 21
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Lord Halifax: ‘Nazis have lost’

Union leaders sent to Sing Sing

Russians time pact scrapping for U.S. public

Move restores hope for ‘Frisco parley

Simms: Showdown between Russia and Japs called inevitable

Moscow has much to gain by defeat of Pacific power – free outlet from Siberia desired
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Prelate who criticized Hitler regards Allies as enemies

Muenster Archbishop loyal to Fatherland
By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff writer

Bombed German industries continue in production

By Henry J. Taylor

Souvenir-hunting private captures German general

Yank gets reward promised others searching for Nazi officer – 30 days’ leave

1,250 planes hit Central Germany

Leipzig area railyards hammered

Yanks drive for Italian naval base

Gain two miles below La Spezia

Reich collapse imminent, says organ of SS

But article warns Nazis will fight on

Negro platoon licks supermen

Woods in Germany cleared of Nazis
By Ann Stringer, United Press staff writer