America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Poll: Should wives of G.I.’s date? No! men and women say

‘They should be faithful,’ is typical reply; only 6 percent gives unqualified ‘yes’
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

More men of 28th Division dock at Boston

New coal price increase approved

Tent No. 1 holds a show

By Florence Fisher Parry

‘Cpl. Jim’ loses his fight against Japs’ brutality

Victim of march of death succumbs to asthma, tuberculosis and beriberi

Brutality ‘rewards’ denied by Army

Criticisms by May held ‘unfounded’

Gen. Franco may be ousted in favor of king

Government may reply to Big Three

Union protests hearing by panel

All are outsiders, New Yorkers say

Japs stiffen in plans for fight to death

May delay Allied victory until spring

War trials hinted for mid-September

Flying boat sinks; 4 passengers die

Editorial: How to spoil a good thing

Editorial: Disquieting report

Editorial: For a sweeter Germany

Editorial: 155 years young

Edson: How to answer your mail – in one quick lesson

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Hide those charms

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Mr. Churchill’s future

By Bertram Benedict

Lutherans begin new movement

By the Religious News Service

Editorial: ‘Masculine’ type religion is need of servicemen

Hopper: M. Dietrich may produce a film

By Hedda Hopper