America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

‘Army wives’ trips abroad has ‘em guessing in capital

Gen. ‘Ike’ seems to favor domestic life for men later on; Truman doesn’t

Discharged G.I.’s to receive gas

6,000 Japs killed fleeing Burma

Enemy troops caught in crossfire

Raids on Japs cause serious food situation

Imports hampered, fishing curtailed

Bomber flies 550 miles from Japan on one engine

B-25 lands on Okinawa with one minute’s gas supply left after battling Nip fighters

U.S. planes killed Jap Navy chief

Enemy war reporter tells of Yamamoto

Jap rear guards pounded in Borneo

Enemy continues to flee northward

U.S. fliers blast 2,000 Jap boats

Germans fleeced of millions

Nazis got special tax exemptions

Cary Grant shuns divorce fight

Gripsholm nears U.S.

WASHINGTON – The Swedish motor ship Gripsholm will arrive in Jersey City, New Jersey, about Thursday bearing 1,132 repatriates from India and 364 Americans with their close alien family members from Greece.

In Washington –
‘Jobs for all’ or serfdom, Senate told

Proposed bill gains Republican backing

Perkins: British election may affect labor bills now in Congress

Leftward swing in England is expected to be felt as leaders argue proposals
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Big supply of rancid butter sold to soap factories

1 still unidentified in Empire crash

5 oxygen tanks on B-25 exploded

New York City goes to polls

All Japs in China training to fight

Editorial: Mr. Snyder’s on a hot spot

Editorial: New warning to the Japs

Editorial: Note about Germans

Edson: World’s biggest fire sale begun by government

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Peace jitters

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson