America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Big Three ready to resume its session

Leaders eager to complete work

Hundreds of Yank airmen reported lynched by Nazis

Document found ordering police to take no action against civilians in killings

In Washington –
Truman to get troop problem

Senate group studies railroad tangle

Strikes show drop of 229 in six months

2,310 walkouts are reported

Memorial wreath put on Pyle’s grave

2 Roosevelts, Pyle honored by Legion

U.S. sub chaser, landing ship lost

48 lost as Japs hit battleship

Film actor jailed as drunken driver

HOLLYWOOD, California (UP) – Lawrence Tierney, 26, best known for his movie role as gangster John Dillinger, was serving a 10-day jail sentence today on his third conviction for drunkenness in less than three months.

Tierney was sentenced by Judge Cecil D. Holland, who had fined him $25 May 2 and again June 5. Police arrested Tierney for the third time yesterday.

Soft treatment rumors hit by military chief

Colonel emphasizes they started war

10 Yank POWs killed in B-29 raid, Japs say

A Jap propaganda broadcast said today that 10 American prisoners of war were killed and five others were missing ss a result of a B-29 Superfortress raid on Kawasaki, an industrial suburb of Tokyo, Wednesday night.

The broadcast said the victims were inmates of a prisoner-of-war camp at Kawasaki. Nine others were said to have been injured in the bombing.

Editorial: Britons willing to die

Editorial: What to expect of Japs

Edson: It’s hard to get back war fraud money

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Control of an infant

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Will Russia join us?

By Bertram Benedict

$20 million sought for overseas aid

23 denominations join big campaign

Chaplains on U.S. carrier rate tops in popularity

Johnstown minister entertains with songs, other pens love letters for timid swains
By Malcolm Johnson, North American Newspaper Alliance

Monahan: ‘Oohs’ and ‘ahs’ fill Stanley Theater

Van Johnson and Esther Williams paired – she swims and dives, too
By Kaspar Monahan

Marsha and Maxie indulge in an old-time gab fest

They met many years ago when folks rode on trains – remember?
By Maxine Garrison

Millett: Never argue with women

By Ruth Millett

Borowy’s sale to Cubs is surprise

Baseball’s $92,500 question may cause waiver rule change