America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Editorial: Something is wrong

Editorial: Cracking down in Germany

Editorial: Borneo oil

Edson: TVA record hard for opponents to shout down

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Country vs. city

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Senators out of circulation

By Bertram Benedict

In Washington –
OPA sets up surplus goods price control

Order hits sales between wholesalers

Peace drill ban held fine, but unenforceable

Rep. Kefauver cites Germany’s rearming
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Nationalist expose hailed by VFW

Birl Ives says, ‘I was a bum’

No hillbilly either, he adds
By Erskine Johnson

In Hollywood –
Comic has 1,000 faces but says he’s a ham

Jack Carson, like most comedians, wants to play serious roles
By Maxine Garrison

GM to set up giant center for research

Plans ‘better things at lower prices’

Precautions in cashing of bonds urged

Treasury moves to reduce fraud
By Dale McFeatters, Press business editor

Othman: Hot potatoes

By Fred Othman

Stokes: Party a-partying

By Thomas L. Stokes

Musel: Music censors

By Robert Musel

Love: British election

By Gilbert Love

A flier and his exploits –
No dull moments crossing ‘hump’

Bad weather, shifting cargo are threats
By Capt. Gen Genovese

Hungry Jap tighten belts, eat acorns

Peace talk increases as rations are cut
By Ralph Heinzen, United Press staff writer

‘Europe after the war’ –
German plans to rebuild ruined city

By Henry Ward

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

HOLLYWOOD – Goodness, it looks as though we bobbysoxers have begun a fad that is sweeping the country. Have you noticed that the older ladies are going in for those short little-boy pants and checkered shirts?

I know that some of the sophisticated older ladies like the style, but I somehow can’t picture Whistler’s Mother sitting there rocking in a pair of short denims.

Ladies who wear little-boy pants have a brand-new excuse for not having dinner ready when their husbands get home: “I’m sorry, dear, but the truant officer tried to arrest me today for playing hooky.”

But I’m afraid some mean husband would answer, “that officer made a natural mistake, one that I’m going to make now,” and then make it with a hairbrush right on the seat of her little-boy pants.