America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Bus plunges into creek; baby drowns

44 passengers, driver rescued

Evicted veteran’s family ‘loaned’ mansion for home

Invalidated officer wife, 3 children overawed; will stay until they get house

‘Europe after the war’ –
Atlantic spanned, customs cleared, four meals eaten – all in 18 hours

Press aviation editor flies to London to begin tour of battle-ravaged Europe
By Henry Ward

Senators to probe Chennault move

Perkins: Printers’ row affects all union firms

ITU contends its laws part of contract
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Groucho Marx to wed 24-year-old actress

Export bank loan increase is favored

Senators recommend $3.5 billion fund

Martin’s peace draft view strictly his, not GOP’s

House Republicans resent implication that resolution was a party matter
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Gen. Whitehead heads Air Force in Ryukyus

Chicago vandal recruits hoodlums to promote Nationalist cause

Leader served six months in 1941
By Eugene Segal, Scripps-Howard staff writer

‘If’ pay boost given workers in laundries

Will get it if prices are raised

New York papers delivered again

Advertisers buy large sections

Japs believed preparing last stand in Manchuria

Transfer of forces believed reason for lack of opposition to Allied fleet
By Ralph Heinzen, United Press staff writer

Jap Air Force running short of pilots, Kenney asserts

General also blames lack of opposition to enemy’s shortage of fuel
Bu Gerald R. Thorp

Chinese take air base city of Kanhsien

Allies also closing around Kweilin

Roy W. Howard reports from fleet –
Halsey’s fleet takes shooting war into Hirohito’s front yard

Bombardment is indication of what’s in store for coastal cities of Japan
By Roy W. Howard

Allied planes use Borneo airfield

Aussies push Japs inland steadily

Editorial: The people want training

Editorial: Watching the other fellow

Edson: Leo Pasvolsky plays lead role in peace setup

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Household help

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson