America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

U.S. cruiser hit, 60 killed

Capital Republicans say Bricker must run in 1946

By Earl Richert

Eliot: Jap chiefs frightened

Their gamble failed, and they dread the payoff
By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

China’s sons train in U.S. to man own navy

By Wilbur Jennings, Associated Press staff writer

Stands by USO record against Sinatra charges

U.S. risks air bases

Agrees to give up our African fields – and loses out in Egypt
By Overseas News Agency

German V-2, an H. G. Wells fancy come true, is pale prelude to coming horror weapons

Goering’s notes show he played big part in smashing Czechoslovakia

Truman, Byrnes to fly separately

Editorial: Playing dirty – The new realism

Humor still spurs China

War hasn’t deprived people of love of fun and laughter
By George Kao, North American Newspaper Alliance

Cradle of German militarism

Meeting of Big Three at Potsdam, from where the Hohenzollerns and Hitler brought disaster on the world, is symbolic of Allied victory
By Donald Bell

Scott: Course of business depends on end of war with Japan

By Owen L. Scott

Texas hails boy hero who licked 250 Nazis

By William C. Barnard, Associated Press staff writer

New York battles wave of youth gangsterism

By Richard Tompkins, Associated Press staff writer

Kirkpatrick: Ruhr coal needed to prevent upheaval in Western Europe

By Helen Kirkpatrick

The Syonan Shimbun (July 9, 1945)

Foe being fiercely checkmated in Philippines, Burma sectors of war

Heavy toll being taken of enemy everywhere

Three of Britain’s newest carriers Kamikazed

Spokesman stresses how British only though of themselves

Events of three years ago vividly recalled

Editorial: Striking contrast

Salzburger Nachrichten (July 9, 1945)

Briten lösen Russen in Steiermark ab

Graz und Bruck fallen in englische Besatzungszone