America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Postal reforms asked by Walker

Report urges 15 area general managers

Trip down rapids set for today

Polish envoy defies U.S.

WASHINGTON (UP) – Jan Ciechanowski, Ambassador for the London Polish government, told the State Department today that he would not turn over his Embassy to the representative of the U.S.-recognized Warsaw regime.

In Washington –
Fate of FEPC awaits return of Barkley

Senate leader to seek compromise

Strikers defy NLRB order at Firestone plant

Huge rubber supply scrapped at Goodyear

New York drivers snub WLB wire

Yanks make use of Saar’s riches

FBI checking racket sale of G.I. discharges

Army also may start courts martial

Poll: Women oppose letting G.I.’s fraternize with German girls

By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Private turns portsider, keeps on firing at Japs

Pepper-upper in battle, helmet aids in other ways

It’s G.I. wash basin, laundry tub, kettle, rainwater catcher, box for love letters
By Nixson Denton, North American Newspaper Alliance

Iwo Jima flag raiser becomes bridegroom

France gives in to Levant demand

Surrender room to become museum

French take over Rhine Province

Allied Expeditionary Force to be dissolved this week

Eisenhower to retain command in U.S. zone, post on Control Council

Rescued Superfort fliers stripped by crew of sub

Airmen don’t mind souvenir-hunting a bit; they’re thankful Navy was there

Now it can be told –
Japs plotted to kill MacArthur

Special spy school is revealed

De Gaulle’s visit to U.S. hailed

By Paul Ghali

Army tries to rehabilitate erring troops

102 executed in this war

36 pork chops at one meal –
Skinny G.I. outeats Army and refuses to go home

78 hot cakes and dozen eggs just a breakfast; doctors say he’s just ‘exhibitionist’

Sailor says Japs made him kill wife, daughter

Inside the Axis gang: The diary of Count Ciano –
Mussolini’s dagger strike – in the back of France

Millett: G.I. Joe wants his rights and so does ‘Mrs. Joe’

Post-war family peace will depend on ‘equality of privileges’