America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Detroit woman’s killing confessed

Editorial: An opportunity

Edson: Vinson’s crystal ball tells us what to expect

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Gen. Ike’s mother

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –

By Bertram Benedict

Calling veteran a problem is ridiculous, general says

Chief of Chaplains says men who faced war can certainly handle peacetime duties
By Brig. Gen. Luther D. Miller, Acting Chief of Chaplains, USA

Church leader gives warning

Says anti-Semitism increasing in Europe

Monahan: J. Cagney outslugs and outwits the Nips

Blood on the Sun brawling tale of espionage in pre-war Tokyo
By Kaspar Monahan

Ernie Pyle ‘comes home’ in movie version of books

First-nighters praise picture of beloved columnist’s work; ‘Aunt Mary’ likes it

Millett: Study husband’s dislikes and make like happier

Men acquire allergy to seeing same folks visit home all the time
By Ruth Millett

Bucs’ defenses register new low

Poor pitching, errors, grow awe-inspiring in ineffectiveness
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Bell: Reds’ revenge

By Jack Bell

Stokes: Brand new show

By Thomas L. Stokes

Weller: Behind Jap lines

By George Weller

Love: It sounds fishy

By Gilbert Love

Inside the Axis gang: The diary of Count Ciano –
Mussolini gives Hitler the old double-cross

100,000-mile auto tires forecast in the future

398 WACs to join Army of Occupation

CAMP SHANKS, New York (UP) – A contingent of 398 members of the Women’s Army Corps prepared today to leave for Europe to join the U.S. Army of Occupation.

The largest number of WACs assembled for European duty since V-E Day, the group arrived Tuesday from Fort Des Moines, Iowa.

Navy signs youths, 17, for aviation training

Youngstown Vindicator (July 7, 1945)

Employment surveys vary

No system of estimating post-war work in cities is reliable
By John W. Love

Lippmann: U.S. gets new government without losing gains of old

By Walter Lippmann