America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Soong’s Moscow trip may develop aid for Gen. Chiang’s armies

Rubber workers ask President to order strike peace talks

Sioux will get pay for ponies seized in 1876

(AP) – President Truman has signed legislation to pay $101,630 to Sioux Indians for ponies the Army took away from them after the Custer massacre.

After Gen. George A. Custer and his little band were wiped out at the Battle of Little Bighorn in Montana that fateful day in June 1876, the Army swung into action.

The troops grabbed off ponies of the Sioux – hostile and non-hostile – in a wide area, with the idea that, if the Indians couldn’t ride to battle, the uprisings would be quelled.

The legislation, introduced by Rep. Case (R-South Dakota), authorizes payment for the ponies and arms taken from the non-hostile Sioux, principally in North and South Dakota and a few in Montana. The payments are to go to the Indians or their heirs.

Goebbels’ body found, Moscow radio says

(AP) – The Moscow radio said yesterday that the body of Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, former Nazi Propaganda Minister, has been “unmistakably identified.”

The German-language broadcast said the body had been carried from an air-raid shelter under the Reich Chancellery in Berlin by Nazi SS troopers on the night of May 1 and that they had attempted to burn it.

The body did not burn, the broadcast said, adding that Goebbels had “remained in such a state of conservation that he could be unmistakably identified.”

Americans in Europe note Fourth of July, with Allies assisting

Henry: Russians ruling Berlin and vicinity firmly, but not unduly harshly

By Thomas R. Henry

War issue no longer in doubt, Gen. Stilwell tells Okinawa troops

Kinkaid doesn’t want China bases unless they are near foe

Political committee formed by veterans

Segregation is dropped at Navy training centers

Russian insistence on voice in Tangier poses Big Three problem

Harold Denny dies; war correspondent for New York Times

Universal training to save nation urged on Cincinnati Society

Editorial: Mr. Hopkins resigns

Editorial: July 4 in 1945

Editorial: Surrender terms

This changing world

By Constantine Brown

The Charter

By Dorothy Thompson

Eliot: The China coast

By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

U.S. no gravy bowl for world, new GOP veterans’ group says

Landslides and rain slow Yank advance on Northern Luzon