America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Jap cruiser sunk by British sub

U.S. undersea craft bag 10 more ships

Pyle lives again for dad in The Story of G.I. Joe

Father and ‘Aunt Mary’ see special showing of movie glorifying American soldier

$5 million cargo seized on U-boat

PORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire (UP) – Discovery of a $5 million cache of mercury and other valuable cargo aboard a captured Nazi U-boat that was apparently seeking to flee to Japan, was disclosed by a Navy spokesman here today.

Unwelcome topic

By Florence Fisher Parry

States’ rights demanded by governors

Curb on federal control also asked

Perkins: Richberg challenges labor heads to debate merits of new bill

Offers to post $1,000 forfeit which goes to Red Cross if he fails to show them wrong
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Sailor’s killer awaits arrival of her husband

Paratroop major gets special leave

In Washington –
House group works on report backing compulsory peace drills

Tentative plan contains six-point program endorsing Marshall’s proposals

Senators going Hollywood to find subversive plot

‘Fraterbait,’ Yanks call Reich girls

German cuties pretty good looking
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Yank walks into Jap camp, shoots his way to safety

Cavalry lieutenant escapes after trying to talk enemy colonel into surrendering

Now it can be told –
Vatican bombed by Italian plane

German connivance seen in attack

Allies to discuss fate of Tangier

Trio lost in Shangri-La saved in dramatic pickup

Big plane puffs and heaves to get glider over high mountains encircling valley

Picture in paper leads to capture of Berlin Gertie

Army officer recognizes it as that of ‘chick around the corner,’ acts

Suicide plane kills 15 on destroyer

Japs launch attack on Indochina

250,000 Yanks sail from France

Nazis hide funds to finance war

Editorial: Byrnes for Secretary of State

Editorial: ‘Good’ will and ill will

Editorial: Toward industrial race