America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Himmler und Friedeburg

L’Aube (June 27, 1945)

À la conférence de San Francisco –
Le président Truman a prononcé le discours de clôture

Une opinion britannique sur la proposition française d’enquête au Levant

Radio-Tokio annonce –
Une puissante flotte alliée navigue entre Okinawa et le Japon

Une puissante flotte de plus de 200 navires alliés est signalée faisant route vers deux iles situées à mi-chemin entre l’ile d’Okinawa et le Japon, ce qui fat présager un débarquement nouveau des forces alliées, a annoncé hier la radio de Tokio.

Les États-Unis continent à fournir du matériel de guerre à la Sibérie

Youngstown Vindicator (June 27, 1945)

New peace is at stake, chief says

Frisco work done, now it’s up to nations, President asserts

Enemy says big battle is going on

Terms landing ‘fresh’ on isle in central Kyushu chain

Jap general aide commit hara-kiri

Bodies found in full regalia in graves on Okinawa

Truman to make vital statement

Announcement today is considered one of most important

Frisco sets unit to plan first parley

Final gathering today will plot convening of new council

B-29s batter largest Japanese oil refinery

U.S. and Filipino forces to join above Tuguegarao

100,000 idle in nation as more workers strike

Merle Oberon, Ballard wed by proxy in Mexico

Domei again apologizes for transmission delay

Fiscal year costs nation $100 billion

$90 billion go to wage war; year’s deficit is $54 billion

Await coroner verdict in shooting of sailor

Hint Byrnes will be given Cabinet post

Stettinius’ success may hasten appointment as envoy to Britain
By Jay G. Hayden, North American Newspaper Alliance

Poll: Majority in U.S. expect pay cut

By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Mediterranean Theater censorship withdrawn

Two detective pictures on next Paramount bill

Fahy named to direct legal group in Germany