Dulles thinks Frisco paves way to ‘Magna Carta’
Says parley fulfilled world hopes beyond ‘our expectations’
Says parley fulfilled world hopes beyond ‘our expectations’
Rely on Steinhardt’s skill as ambassador to improve situation
By George Van Slyke, North American Newspaper Alliance
WITH THE 21ST ARMY GROUP (AP) – An authoritative Allied source said today that a half-brother of Adolf Hitler, formerly the proprietor of a beer tavern in Berlin, had been arrested in Hamburg by British security police.
Security police declined to talk about the case, but it was understood the half-brother, whose name was not disclosed, said he had not seen Hitler for a long time.
Nazi owners even go so far as to fire workers opposing them
By Curt Riess
Proposes new Cabinet department to prevent war
By David Lawrence
Officials want classic for Nuremberg stadium
By Malcolm Muir Jr., United Press staff correspondent
Group writing charter didn’t try to urge the impossible
By Maj. George Fielding Eliot