America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Suicide thins foe’s ranks; 73,000 dead

Last stand pocket cut to nine miles

Nimitz blasts Okinawa critics

Says they act against best interests of U.S.

Aussies advance 4 miles on Borneo

Japs report Allied fleet off Balikpapan

Decision stands after 15 months –
‘No divorce,’ declares wife of quadruplets’ father

She won’t greet homecoming sergeant because she’s through with him forever

The house sympathy built –
War widow, eight children get big, new home as gift

Sympathizers all over world respond to grocer’s plan for dead G.I.’s family

War leaders testify for peace draft

Marshall: ‘Fundamental basis of defense’

Pension plan given Congress

Hearings set for this week

Army travel to give rails heaviest load

August, December to be peak months

New York set to greet initial division from Europe

Flags to fly, bands play as Blackhawks steam into harbor on way to Pacific

G.I.’s on honeymoons shun brass hats and gold braid

They see enough of it in the service, so most of them prefer quiet resorts
By Rachel Kirk

Union’s action bars 4 out of 5 veterans from auto plant jobs

Present restrictive policy may lead to Congress enacting legislation
By Robert Mountsier, North American Newspaper Alliance

Americans turn over Aachen to British

When G.I. Johnny gets back home, treat him as a human being

Degenerates and lunatics did dirty work for Nazis

U.S. intelligence officers give explanation for horrors of German torture camps
By Robert Musel, United Press staff writer

Nazi admits mob slaying of Yank and asks mercy

Crippled killer of wounded flier says he’s sorry and wouldn’t do it again

Eisenhower party on way home

Receives Washington’s plaudits Monday

Red commentator assails U.S. group

Moscow trial casts shadow on Polish case

Two leave London to attend parley

British planes and warships pound Truk

Island 200 miles from Kyushu also hit

Yanks advance 5 miles on Luzon

Chinese hit Jap forces above Canton

Enemy seeks new link with Hankow

U.S. confident of successful Big Three session

Truman to carry bargaining powers

Lord Haw Haw flown to London

Faces charge of high treason

Millett: Allergies can be faked

Easy ‘out’ for man
By Ruth Millett