America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Perkins: States to call for return of job services

Governors contend manpower peak past
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Truman may ask Congress for raise in minimum pay

50-cents-an-hour proposal likely, rather than 65 cents which AFL and CIO ask

CIO seeks annual wage through bargaining

By Allan L. Swim, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Elliott loan probe studied by Congress

Committee to decide future action

Army accused of corruption in construction of highway

Senate investigators demand explanation – Justice Department also told to explain

Poll: Public opposes giving stamps at restaurants

56% of people against proposal
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Nazi arsenal asks permit to work again

U.S. officer delays action on Krupp plea
By Joseph W. Grigg, United Press staff writer

Japan prepares invasion regions

Each district will fight by itself

Big Four harmony predicted by Eisenhower

General sees friendly relations with Russia

Officer scores criticism on Okinawa drive

Tough reefs barred landings in south
By E. G. Valens, United Press staff writer

General election planned by Czechs

Chinese attack port 400 miles from Okinawa

Most of Japs flee from Wenchow

Japs report Truk raided by British

Little nations renew fight against Big Five

Time limit wanted on world charter

OWI again bats for money for two-front war of words

It’s not going to give up its jobs in Europe without a good verbal skirmish
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Marshall backs OWI fund plea

War expansion boosts steel ingot capacity

$2 billion spent for improvements

Surplus board faces probe by Congress

Dissension caused Gillette to resign
By Roger W. Stuart, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Industrial supply of sugar cut

Ice cream and soft drinks affected

Editorial: Chance for Republicans

Editorial: Why ban progress?

Editorial: Doughfoot, they call you…

Edson: Congress hit by combat fatigue, needs a rest

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Kindness by surprise

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson