America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

865,056 guns lost in Europe

Fanatical Nazis still big problem

Hartford says he lent Elliott Roosevelt $200,000 and received $4,000

Dogs flush Japs, save Marines

OKINAWA (AP) – The Marine 4th War Dog Platoon under Lt. Allen W. Crankshaw of Lyndhurst, New Jersey, works on the principle that one of the best ways to flush a Japanese from a cave is to sic a dog on him… and using that method has saved many American lives and accounted for many Japanese deaths.

Dix: Wife of furloughed vet writes words of wisdom

By Dorothy Dix

Poll: Public favors draft in peace

By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

It’s in the Bag stars Fred Allen in fine cast

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, the Russians have revised that game of “Hitler, Hitler, who’s got Hitler?” They now say that his body was not found and they believe he’s hiding somewhere.

Some say he’s gone to Spain; some say Spain. We all know where we hope he’s gone to. It would be hard to choose between that place and Japan right now – they’re both equally fiery.

The Russians believe Hitler was married just two days before he fled Berlin. A glutton for punishment! He didn’t have enough trouble – he had to get married.

Were I looking for Hitler, I’d watch all the broadcasting studios. A man who loved to make speeches as much as he did is bound to turn up sooner or later in front of a microphone. Maybe he’ll come on with his own little daily program – something like “Life can be horrible.”

Morgenthau holds ‘Woods’ pact OK is necessary

Truman wants Congress to restore OWI budget

Predicts 2-year war with Japan

Kärntner Nachrichten (June 14, 1945)

Zusammenkunft Truman-Churchill-Stalin beschlossen

Das Ergebnis der Mission Hopkins in Moskau

Auslieferung eines Kriegsverbrechers gefordert

Der Fall Bastianini ein Prüfstein für die Neutralen

Auslandsnazis werden zurückgeschickt

L’Aube (June 14, 1945)

Fin de l’impasse polonaise

Demain, à Moscou, réunion des dirigeants des divers groupements démocratiques

La date de la rencontre des Trois Grands est fixée

Washington, 13 juin – À la suite des missions de MM. Davies et Hopkins, la date et le lieu de réunion des Trois Grands sont définitivement fixés, a déclaré à la presse le président Truman. Le Président a ajoute qu’il ne divulguerait pas ce lieu et cette date avant son arrivée à la réunion.

Le but essentiel de la rencontre des Trois Grands – a précisé M. Truman – sera e préparer la conférence de la Paix.

A Bornéo, les australiens enforcent les premières lignes japonaises

À San Francisco –
Cinquante nations adoptent dans un vote unanime le Charte de sécurité mondiale

Youngstown Vindicator (June 14, 1945)

Fall of city in 24 hours is expected

Jap garrison believed to have fled, firing oil wells on way

Screaming charge follows 90-minute gun barrage

U.S. losses light – Marines smash pocketed enemy forces on Oroku Peninsula

‘New deal’ is proposed to people – move called definite advance toward self-government

War help asked – country expected to continue in conflict against Japan

Russia sets trial of 16 Poles on terror charges

Moscow report follows statement Mikolajczyk may head joint Polish government