America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Editorial: Stirring Russian suspicions

Editorial: A monarch for Germany

Editorial: De Gaulle’s impracticable plan

Boyle: Staging areas are depressing

Returning soldiers feel droopy and fearful of what’s ahead
By Hal Boyle

Lippman: Bypass the veto

By Walter Lippman

Stokes: When fighter lets guard down he’s bound to get into trouble

By Thomas L. Stokes

Aircraft, steel stocks are up

Selective issues prop irregular mart

Redbirds victor, 6-5

Lopatka hurls four-hit game to win over Kansas City

Eliot: De Gaulle errs in raising issue on Syria

French are endangering security of military lines
By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

Show to pay tribute to Maj. Glenn Miller

Exiles cross bridge of dreams-come-true

By L. S. B. Shapiro

Newest Jap plane hailed as ‘fastest’

Navy fliers say enemy craft can outfly even Corsair
By Richard W. Johnston

Yanks gain in Mindanao

Two Japanese centers of resistance are broken in 3 days

Mothers need to understand bobbysock jargon of today

By Dorothy Dix

The Pittsburgh Press (June 5, 1945)

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, I see that a United States Senator has introduced a bill to do away with the Navy’s bell-bottom trousers. Now I don’t want to take sides in this thing. But judging from some of the senators I’ve seen, they could spend a little time improving their own getups.

On the other hand I must confess that I’ve always wondered why the Navy didn’t take some of the material from the bottom of the sailor pants and move it up to where it’s obviously more badly needed.

I don’t want to alarm you girls but if Congress is going to start dictating styles, then we’d better get busy and get the right people elected. How about Adrian for senator? Or Schiaparelli for congresswoman?

Let’s face it, girls. Either we get into politics or we’ll get into some terrible looking clothes.

Kärntner Nachrichten (June 6, 1945)

Viermächte-Abkommen über die Besetzung Deutschlands

In Berlin von General Eisenhower, Feldmarschall Montgomery, Marschall Schukow und General De Lattre de Tassigny unterzeichnet – Gemeinsame Besetzung Berlins

Gute Fortschritte in San Francisco

Auf dem Wege zur Weltsicherheitsorganisation

Churchill zur Levante-Krise

Fettknappheit in USA

3.000 Tonnen Brandbomben auf Kobe