America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Tchang Kai Chek pourra-t-il s’entendre avec les communistes chinois ?

Youngstown Vindicator (June 3, 1945)

Soviet Union emphatic on ‘no retreat’

Moscow wants right to override discussion of disputes – U.S. delegates disposed to letting two interpretations stand

De Gaulle also wants Russia and England in conference

Blames Britain for trouble – British save French from Syrians

Halsey’s carriers lash Jap suicide plane bases

Third Fleet marks return to action with blows at Kyushu – Tenth Army rips Okinawa lines

Yanks stage 6th landing on Mindanao

Doughboys crash ashore in move to wipe out isolated Japs

Two Jap suicide boats ram and sink U.S. landing craft

Pope sights ‘tyranny’ as peril to new Europe

Jelly bombs poured in Tokyo flare up in less than second

McNutt appeals for 15,000 workers on Navy ship repair

Congressmen plan closer Soviet ties

323 returning vets safe after collision

Raise, save, put up food, Truman plea

16 prisoners shot in riot

JESSUPS, Maryland (AP, June 2) – Sixteen convict were shot and wounded tonight before state troopers and prison guards were able to drive several hundred rioting prisoners back into their cells and end food disorders which broke out during the evening meal.

State police were ordered to open fire with riot guns at the climax of more than three hours of disturbances when approximately a dozen inmates rushed eight troopers attempting to close a door. One of the officers was gashed in the back.

Eisenhower off to Berlin

PARIS, France (UP) – Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower will go to Berlin today for the first meeting of the four-power control commission, it was learned.

The commission comprises, besides Eisenhower, Soviet Marshal Georgy K. Zhukov, British Field Marshal Sir B. L. Montgomery, and French Gen. Jean de Lattre de Tassigny.

A selected part of correspondents will accompany Eisenhower.

WASHINGTON (UP, June 2) – Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, will arrive in Washington June 18 from Europe, the War Department announced today.

Eisenhower plans to visit New York on June 19, and then go to Kansas City, Missouri, June 21. From Kansas City he will go to Abilene, Kansas, his hometown, where his mother still lives.

Mayor F. H. La Guardia of New York has already proclaimed June 19 as “Eisenhower Day” here.

Car to feature new designing

By David J. Wilkie, Associated Press writer

‘Plan A’ fights famine, revolt

Allies reveal how they fed liberated people in emergency
By Beryl Shoenfield

Account reveals Stalin’s eldest son killed self in German prison

By Paul Ghali

Decentralized authority seen in Truman’s Cabinet changes

By D. Harold Oliver

Shapiro: Use freed Allied prisoners in Russian work battalions

By L. S. B. Shapiro

Gens. Smith, Knudsen, Hurley doff uniforms

By Bascom N. Thomas

Kirkpatrick: Yanks, Reds swap men

Trade freed prisoners in Czech zone – get along amiably
By Helen Kirkpatrick

Eliot: Levant issue is complex

De Gaulle’s stand not helpful, but France has rights
By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

World’s biggest airport rises slowly on Long Island

Will handle 900 flights a day, 6 planes a minute
by Loraine Larkin, Associated Press staff writer

Puerto Rico is turning to industrialization

By Leslie Highley, Associated Press staff writer

Nations tackle huge problem of Europe’s hunger-warped children

Forced to cope with psychological effects of famine
By Adelaide Kerr, Associated Press staff writer

Two sisters confess taking ‘live doll’ just before death