America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Pantomime used to get surrender idea to Japanese

Meeting marks 10th year – U.S.-Russia will be topic

70,906 see Yankees-Tigers divide doubleheader – Senators whip Browns twice

Largest crowd since 1941 witnesses holiday battles

Jeep, Hoop Jr. sweep two sections of Wood Memorial classic at Jamaica

Record crowd of 64,537 sets new wagering mark

Eden cites progress in war trials

Tells Commons of ‘useful’ consultations with Justice Jackson

Two destroyers knock down 42 Nip suicide craft

Small states impatient at Big Five lag

Irked by delay in Powers’ answers to questions on Yalta

Shoe, clothing hopes dimmed

Ringlings erect first fireproof ‘Big Top’

Talkative women wisecrack revived by German incident

By Dorothy Dix

War costs $1 trillion – $500 for everybody in world

The Affairs of Susan has four love stories

‘Werewolves’ harass French

By Paul Ghali

Broadcast says Bormann’s last days spent in pagan orgies

Burton checks ODT ruling

By B. N. Timmons

The Windsor Daily Star (May 31, 1945)

Two pincers being shut on Japanese

Battle on Okinawa nears final phase

Bomb Japs from Luzon

Final attack to clear pockets

2,657 indicted for war crimes

2,524 Germans, 110 Italians listed by United Nations commission

Voroshilov is favored

Likely to head Allied Control Commission
By Phil Ault, United Press war correspondent

Tough battles are expected

Navy anxious to test strength
By Richard W. Johnston, United Press war correspondent

The Pittsburgh Press (May 31, 1945)

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

I guess that pretty soon they’ll be reporting the Washington news on the story pages. There’s been another fistfight in Congress, the second in a few weeks.

Three Democrats and one Republican are now entitled to wear combat zone ribbons. One of the men got his mouth hurt. I support that’s about the worst thing that could happen to a Congressman.

This fight was about the members of the House voting themselves a $2,500-a-year tax-free allowance for expenses. The way things are going they’ll need that money. Trainers and boxing instructors get high salaries.

A while back when Congress tried to pension itself, some people started a “Bundles for Congressmen” movement. My goodness, I think we need another one right now – “bandages for Congressmen,” or “liniment for legislators.”

Kärntner Nachrichten (June 1, 1945)

Entlassung Deutscher Kriegsgefangener

SS-Leute und Fallschirmjäger bleiben in Gefangenschaft Ein Erlass Montgomerys

Levante: Starke britische Intervention

Mit japanischen Augen

Die Welteroberungspläne des früheren Verbündeten Deutschlands nach japanischen Feststellungen