America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

A story the censors delayed six months –
Lost: One B-29, 11 Jap suicide pilots in epic battle to death over Tokyo

By Philip G. Reed

House authorizes cut in tariffs

Vote held boost for world unity

Government tackles grim U.S. food shortage on two fronts

By the Associated Press

MacLeish scores talk of clash with Russia

Hoover and Truman to meet for study of European aid

Secret factory for Nazis’ new midget U-boats found

By Charles Chamberlain

Eisenhower opens new office

Osmena declines to see sons

Hitler aide captured

PARIS, France (AP) – Supreme Headquarters said yesterday that Phillip Bouhler, described as the No. 12 Nazi and chief of Adolf Hitler’s Chancellery, was captured by the U.S. Seventh Army at Finchorn Castle near Zell on May 21.

Pfc. Morris Ward sees action on Mindanao

Tito forecasts Allied accord

Werner: Japanese repeating military blunders that defeated Germany

By Max Werner

Doolittle named to lead fliers against Japan

Churchill hints Big Three may meet despite election

Himmler’s body buried unceremoniously by British soldiers in unmarked grave

Japan able to wage long war despite aerial blows

Americans face permanent meat consumption cut

Cornell analyst asserts the scarcity, now stressed by war, is 50 years old
By Charles J. Wellner

Hero’s welcome given soldier by hometown

Price Control Act extension is considered

Senator urges 4 additional Cabinet posts

6,000 see man fall to death

Private who hit Nazi prisoners freed, restored to active duty

Seamen to testify against Doenitz

Plane cutback to save nation many billions

Hitler’s sister says Adolf made mess of life

Big Five envoys discuss delays

Course started for vets going into business

Snead victor at medal – match play due today

By Whitney Martin

Yanks top Sox as junior loop race tightens

By Cornelius Ryan

Western conference acts to ban all athletic recruiting offers