America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Truman asks power to make government more efficient

Expanded social security system given Congress

Judy Garland ‘best dressed’

President plans trip to parley at Golden Gate

German attempt to sterilize foes bared

Hitler blamed Axis defeat on failure to take ‘rock’

Allies and Soviets agree on repatriation program

Tension eased in Trieste but population hungrier

Editorial: Fighting with fire

Poll: People familiar with TVA approve same for Missouri Valley

‘I’d rather be right’ –
It’s the transition blues

By Samuel Grafton

Senators gingerly back away from salary boost

Cheering Atlantans give Gen. Hodges welcome

Miss Perkins is believed slated for McNutt’s post

More T-men wanted to deal with federal tax evaders

Hero, best girl in Mississippi

U.S. casualties in Europe will come home in 90 days

Allies capture Serb guerrilla

Australia wants Mikado executed

Mystery blossoms in dog death case

Benton’s broken leg hits Detroit’s pennant hopes

By Jack Hand

Man who sparked arcs in majors says unlimited policy harmful

WPB declares liquor holiday

Manuscript sells for $500,000 in war bonds

Abbott-Costello quarrel no closer to solution

By Louella D. Parsons

The Pittsburgh Press (May 25, 1945)

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, Gen. Hershey lowered the draft age just in time to keep the motion picture industry from being taken over by the animals. Practically the last of the actors were on their way to Ft. MacArthur when the announcement came through.

Things were really slim in Hollywood with stars like Lassie, Daisy, Flicka and Thunderhead about the only ones left besides the actresses. Not that they’re not capable players, but I don’t think Betty Grable would have looked very glamorous dancing with Lassie.

Even the Motion Picture Academy had its worries. They didn’t know whether they’d be presenting this year’s Oscars in the form of a gold-plated bone or a silver bag of oats.

And the Hollywood gossip columnists were getting pretty desperate for material. How exciting is it to say – “Flash: What mare’s that way about Thunderhead?”