America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

U.S. Navy Department (May 24, 1945)

Communiqué No. 600

Philippine Area.
The YMS-481 has been lost in the Philippines area as the result of enemy action.

The next of kin of casualties have been informed.

CINCPOA Communiqué No. 372

Several small air raids were made by the enemy on our forces in the Okinawa Area on May 23 (East Longitude Date), causing minor damage to a light unit.

Heavy mud continued to hamper movement of the Tenth Army in Southern Okinawa on May 24. On our right flank in the west, the 6th Marine Division constructed two bridges across the Asato River under fire of enemy artillery and sent infantry elements to the bridgehead on the south bank in force. Patrols afoot were engaged throughout the day, reducing strongpoints south of the river. On our left flank in the east, the 7th Infantry Division made important advances after sharp fighting. Action along the remainder of the front was limited largely to mopping up operations. Use of our armor was prevented by adverse conditions of the terrain at the front.

Numerous small groups of enemy aircraft attacked our forces afloat and ashore at le Shims during the evening of May 24, causing some damage to installations on the island. By 2330, Local Time, fifteen enemy planes had been destroyed and the attack was continuing.

U.S. Military Government authorities on Okinawa are engaged in development of facilities for the caring of more than 139,000 civilians on the island. Of the civilians thus far taken under our jurisdiction, 82 percent are children under seventeen years of age or women. The majority of adult males on the Island were drafted for labor service with the enemy prior to U.S. landings. During the month of April, 86 per cent of the civilians in areas under U.S. control subsisted wholly on native resources. Security patrolling of areas under the Island Commander is being carried out by troops of the 27th Infantry Division.

Aircraft from escort carriers of the U.S. Pacific Fleet continued to neutralize enemy airfields in the Sakishima Group on May 24. Five planes were strafed on the ground at Miyako Island.

Search Coronados of Fleet Air Wing One shot down an enemy fighter off the coast of Southern Korea on May 24.

Fighters and bombers of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing struck installations in the Palaus and on Yap on May 23 and 24.

Light Naval units of the U.S. Pacific Fleet bombarded Suribachi Port and installations on the east coast of Paramushiru on May 20, causing fires and explosions. An attack by two enemy aircraft upon our forces during their retirement was beaten off without casualties to our ships.

Brooklyn Eagle (May 24, 1945)

7,000 vets return on 5-ship convoy

Group includes freed captives, wounded men

Suicide bases blasted – flames sweep Tokyo

180 planes attack South Japan targets as fire still rages on city’s waterfront

Yanks launch big new drive to circle Shuri

Marines span Asato River into Naha, dig in on high ground

Report Aussies urge war trial for Mikado

China may second demand – U.S. position unformulated – early action not likely

Other vacancies seen as 4 quit Cabinet posts

Cupid ties east to west despite lingual barrier

Boro jurist’s son, Army officer, weds beautiful Algerian

Abbott and Costello will go it alone

HOLLYWOOD, California (UP) – Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, friends for the 15 years they slapsticked their hilarious way from cheap burlesque to million-dollar movies, announced today they were splitting up.

Costello, the roly-poly “ba-a-a-ad boy” of the partnership, explained the reason behind the bust-up. Seems the guys who worked hand-in-glove on corny jokes couldn’t get together on a contract.

Admiral takes Saipan command from general

GUAM (UP) – Rear Adm. F. E. M. Whiting today relieved Maj. Gen. Sanderford Jarman of the Army as island commander of Saipan.

It was understood that Jarman, a New Yorker, has been assigned to a more important post. Whiting recently commanded a cruiser division of the Pacific Fleet.

Hopkins, Davies sent to Europe by Truman

‘Big Five’ powers near accord on trusteeships

Hunt Himmler and Ribbentrop, last big shots

Yank juncture near in Mindanao

U.S. charges firm hid defects in shells, bombs

Women, tablecloths amaze discharged overseas veterans

Increase in gas rations will ban joyrides

Hike gallon a week for ‘A’ holders

Hitler vetoed Himmler as leader, aide says

Editorial: Truman administration seen forming with altered Cabinet

Editorial: Dream coming true

Lindley: Truman acts to promote friendly ties with France

By Ernest Lindley

Flock motor clogged – hurling, batting off

Cooperless Cards show spirit – send rookie against Gregg
By Harold C. Burr