America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Start of auto output rests on WPB chief

Union sees widespread unemployment

War blasted Nazi industry ‘off the map’

Germans hope for U.S. helping hand
By Henry J. Taylor, Scripps-Howard special writer

Hopper: Screen could use A. Eden!

By Hedda Hopper

Bogart-Bacall marriage in Ohio depends on judge’s attitude

State has power to block wedding

Harry James ‘rests’ trumpet, turns actor

By Maxine Garrison

Perkins: Right or left? NLRB vacancy to try Truman

Balance of power hinges on appointment
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Ex-actress faces insanity charge

McGaffin: Souvenirs for sale

By William McGaffin

Stokes: GOP stands

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Cartels

By Fred Othman

Maj. Williams: Looking ahead

By Maj. Al Williams

‘His road was lonely, too’ –
A war widow vows to ‘keep the faith’

V-Day thoughts of young mother whose husband isn’t returning

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

I suppose you’ve all read about the escaped German war prisoner who wandered around the streets of Los Angeles for ten days in his prisoner’s uniform before he finally got tired and persuaded a policeman to arrest him. No one paid any attention to him, which may seem odd to the rest of the country.

You see we’ve been taken in too many times before out here. We’ve grabbed prowlers creeping around on all fours with magnifying glasses. And they turned out to be press agents advertising detective movies. Nowadays if you turn around to look at a hermit or a swami it simply proves that you’re a tourist.

As for the prisoner having letters “PW” printed on the back of his uniform, that wouldn’t excite a Californian. Most people probably thought he was a chamber-of-commerce hireling and that “PW” stood for “Perfect Weather.”

Millett: Try wives’ point system

Women rate awards, too
By Ruth Millett

Whisky stocks lowest since 1935, going down

Canadian supply here near normal
By Douglas Smith, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Pirates-Giants contest is postponed

Doubleheader carded tomorrow – Bucs halt Dodgers’ streak, 12-3
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Winning tough ones makes Giants appear flag winners

Army still bars Yanks’ kin from overseas trip

Farm program to launch 25th year

Founder to join birthday hour
By Si Steinhauser

Did you look up your downloads folder?

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Ok… I think the server was down. Maybe that is why.

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Grazer Volkszeitung (May 19, 1945)

Stehlen nannte er ‚organisieren‘

Robert Ley von den Amerikanern gefangengenommen