America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Editorial: Enemy suicides

Edson: Ockulicki, held by Reds, could tell a thriller

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Young love

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
The tariff power

By Buel W. Patch

Pan-American defense plan faces fight

Australia fears ‘form of isolationism’

‘United front’ rule urged for Europe

Russian gives views on democracy
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Monahan: Fulton’s Hangover Square stars late Laird Cregar as mad killer

By Kaspar Monahan

Van Johnson’s fault if scene goes haywire?

Millions of gals will holler ‘no’ – but noble fellow takes the blame
By Maxine Garrison

Growing old tests actor

Menjou does it gracefully!

Veronica sets a new hairstyle

Holidays unlucky for da Silva

400 made idle by soaking pit strike at J&L

Workers refuse to abide by WLB rule

Killing Japs is a treat now for ‘killer’ Jimmy

Arkansas redhead bags 41 thus far in campaigns on Leyte and Okinawa
By Gordon Cobbledick, North American Newspaper Alliance

Family arrested in fake stamp case

Food industry control ought

Queen Elizabeth visits WACs

LONDON, England (UP) – Queen Elizabeth visited WAC headquarters in London today.

The girls gave her lipstick, face cream, nail varnish and other cosmetics they had saved from their rations.

The Queen climbed to the fifth floor of the WAC billets and chatted with the girls. Cpl. Beulah Marshall of Lincoln, Nebraska, told the Queen she had been driving in Britain for eight months, and the Queen observed:

“The blackout was very dreadful for all you drivers, but please God that is a thing of the past now.”

Olivia in hospital

Monday, May 14, 1945

BOSTON, Massachusetts – Screen actress Olivia de Havilland, who was stricken with tropical fever while entertaining U.S. troops in the Pacific, was hospitalized here today for a physical examination.

Minesweeper lost off Okinawa

WASHINGTON (UP) – The Navy today announced the loss of a motor minesweeper in the Okinawa area as the result of enemy action.

The minesweeper was the YMS-103, the 307th naval vessel to be lost in this war. The Navy said the ship suffered “moderate casualties.”

The vessel carried a normal complement of about 30 men. Next of kin casualties have been informed.

Cassidy: The roundup

By Morley Cassidy

Stokes: New GOP star

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Keep ‘em flying

By Fred Othman

Maj. Williams: Ground conflict

By Maj. Al Williams

Models are people, too –
Young women who pose look at their jobs like anyone else

By Irene Delmar, special to the Pittsburgh Press

Partner in ‘high living; hunted in boy’s slaying

Bobbysoxer tells of spending entire day with pair in $6 a day hotel room