America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Yanks, Reds widen linkup – Nazi redoubt crumbling

Seventh Army clearing Munich, closes in on exit of Brenner Pass

Suicide plane hits U.S. hospital ship

Revenge bombers blast Jap homeland

GUAM (UP) – Avenging Superfortresses today blasted the Kyushu bases of Japan’s suicide planes, one of which crashed into and badly damaged the Navy hospital ship USS Comfort Saturday night.

Twenty-nine persons were killed, 33 wounded seriously and one was missing after the enemy plane hit the helpless and brilliantly-lighted hospital ship south of Okinawa, a communiqué announced.

A dispatch from Vice Adm. Richmond Kelly Turner’s flagship off Okinawa said there was no doubt the attack was deliberate.

Some 200 B-29s participated in today’s raids on Japan. Though the majority concentrated on the suicide-plane bases on Kyushu for the fifth straight day, some bombed the Tachikawa army arsenal, 24 miles west of Tokyo.

Despite the consistent American raids in Kyushu, the Japs managed to hurl 200 planes against the U.S. forces around Okinawa Saturday night and Sunday, causing some damage to light fleet units. One hundred and four of the Jap planes were shot down.

United Press writer Edward L. Thomas reported from Adm. Turner’s flagship that the enemy plane which hit the Comfort made several “runs” aver the white hospital ship in the moonlight before going into its suicide dive.

Hit 60 miles from island

At the time, the Comfort was about 60 miles south of Okinawa, steaming unescorted toward the Marianas with several hundred American troops seriously wounded in the Okinawa campaign.

The suicide plane very likely hit the operating room in the fantail region, a spokesman said, as the Comfort put out an immediate call for doctors and surgical equipment.

Operations usually are performed almost around-the-clock on hospital ships, the spokesman added, and it was likely some wounded American serviceman was undergoing surgery when the Jap plane hit.

Ship painted white

The ship, painted a white with red crosses on the sides and stacks, has about 350 beds but normally carries more casualties by using emergency quarters.

Parts of the wrecked Jap plane were still on the ship’s deck as she was being steered to port by the alt emergency controls. A brief radio report said the rudder had been knocked out.

Authorities here said the Comfort was complying with all international requirements, had no combatants aboard and was unable to defend itself against the suicide attack. A report of the incident will be sent to Adm. Ernest J. King at Washington.

Gain on Okinawa

A spokesman aboard Adm. Turner’s flagship said “other enemy planes in the area were probably involved in the attacks.”

Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, meanwhile, disclosed that U.S. troops in Southern Okinawa were moving steadily ahead toward Naha under the support of an unprecedented land, air and naval bombardment.

Elements of the 27th Infantry Division were driving through Machinato airfield and had already captured half of the airdrome, two miles north of Naha. Units of the 7th Division seized new high ground positions near Kochi village to the cast.

In the first 27 days of the campaign, Nimitz announced that 1,527 soldiers and 320 Marines had been killed in action, while 7,826 soldiers and 1,322 Marines were wounded, and 413 soldiers and five Marines missing.

25 Nazi divisions wiped out in Italy

Gen. Clark proclaims great Allied victory

War trend speeds Frisco sessions

V-E Day may be followed by recess
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Third Army frees 11,000 Americans

Horror on horror

By Florence Fisher Parry

Red prisoners maltreated by U.S., Britain, Russia says

Repatriation official alleges delay in return of freed captives, removal to America
By M. S. Handler, United Press staff writer

Treatment by U.S. ‘attracts’ Nazis

Horror toll grows –
Don’t touch bodies, Jews tell Germans

Nuremberg civilians forced to see victims
By Robert Richards, United Press staff writer

Nazi camps range from bad to unspeakable horrors

15,000 buried by Allies in one place, with 10,000 more expected to die
By Henry J. Taylor

Nazi ‘institute’ at Kiev kills 140,000 ‘unworthy to live’

Captured director admits he murdered about 21,000 – shows no feeling of guilt
By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff writer

U.S. troops split Mindanao

Airfield taken 31 miles from Davao

Allied planes drop food in Holland

Antwerp target of 4,883 V-1 bombs

Meat probers hear all except two key men

Weatherman, farmer absent from inquiry
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Agencies blamed for food scarcity

House committee blasts OPA laxity

Jewish groups list 10-point plan

AFL president fears unemployment wave

Don’t carelessly leave war bonds around

Monahan: Montez as Nile siren in Fulton’s Sudan

Jon Hall and Turhan Bey rivals for her love in Ancient Egypt
By Kaspar Monahan

Judy to play famed star

She’ll portray Marilyn Miller

Errol Flynn ‘wins’ fight

Battles with Huston at party

Ernie Pyle Memorial Fund set up at Indiana University

Journalism scholarships will honor writer – plan he approved expanded

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (SHS) – Friends of Ernie Pyle planned today a living memorial to him on the campus of Indiana University, where he spent his college days.

Indiana University Foundation, Bloomington, Indiana, announced establishment of the Ernie Pyle Memorial Fund, to provide scholarships for journalism students – especially returning veterans of this war – lectures by the nation’s outstanding newspaper men, and a memorial room, or library wing in which will be maintained a permanent display of his manuscripts, photographs, letters and personal belongings.

Approved by Ernie

The project was launched before his death in action, and had been given his personal approval the last time he was on the university campus – when he was given an honorary degree last November.

Originally it was planned as a rather modest affair, to provide an Ernie Pyle Scholarship to promising students who wanted to learn to write – a subject close to his own heart.

Since his death, it has been expanded. Unsolicited gifts already have been arriving, Lawrence Wheeler, director of the Foundation at Bloomington, said today.

Servicemen contribute

Contributions have arrived from many men in service. In one or more army camps movements were reported underway to establish memorials, and sponsors of some of these have been in contact with the foundation.

Alumni of the university also have displayed a keen interest in the project, and were prepared to give it civilian support on a nationwide basis. More than 500 students have passed through the university’s School of Journalism.

The fund will be administered by the Board of Directors of the Indiana University Foundation.

Strike wave in district comes to end

Westinghouse group agrees to review

Perkins: Truman urged to coordinate labor front

Advisors stress need in reconversion
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer