America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Steel industry faces disaster in mine strike

Coal stocks so low mills can’t go on
By Dale McFeatters, Press business editor

Dulles opposes power of veto given Big 5

Must trust others, foreign expert says

Million watch 50,000 march in New York

Yank sought in death of woman in London

In Washington –
GOP prepares to oppose tariff cuts

3-year extension for trade act urged

Meat and tire workers strike

Five important U.S. industries aided in draft

Coal, steel get more exemptions

Father of 7 killed in action after volunteering for Army

‘Thought he owed it to his country,’ widow says – children range from 1 month to 9 years

Poll: Third of public fears income will decline

White collar group most optimistic
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Germany continues battle on remnants of industry

Trip into Reich shows how completely Allies and Nazis themselves, have smashed towns
By Henry J. Taylor

Americans first to capture fort in its 200-year history

Pittsburgher among Yanks storming Bitche in second attack by 100th Infantry Division
By Robert Vermillion, United Press staff writer

Iwo casualties 32 percent of invasion force

Tiny island costs Marines 19,938 men

Stolen car found – baby safe in it

Simms: Nazis inspire peace rumors to split Allies

Kaiser tried same thing in last war
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Italy wasn’t Fascist enough, says count at G.I. rest center

By Richard Mowrer

Germans regain Italian village

Fifth Army columns are hurled back

MacArthur likely to visit capital

Allied fliers pound Nazi fuel supply

Gasoline and benzol plants blasted

Easter clothing sales boom, survey shows

Merchants of nation’s largest cities compare buying to 1929
By the United Press

Millett: ‘I’m only a housewife’ is too much like apology

Women of future need special training in proper management of home
By Ruth Millett

De Mille urges political freedom

Warns of government ‘by small cliques’

G.I. must get permission to wed overseas

Army discourages hasty marriages

True story finally revealed –
German raid on U.S. base in Russia turns big reception into holocaust

Nazis swoop down in droves, wreak death and destruction
By David M. Nichol