America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

V-2 rockets killed 2,754, Churchill tells Commons

London bore brunt of attacks, stopped March 27 when British took launching sites

Uprising cracks Nazi grip on Italy

Russia near test on plea for 3 votes at conference

Moscow may submit request immediately – Argentine question is raised
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

OPA tightens meat and fat ration rules

Only mutton point-free – margarine boosted

U.S. casualties reach 929,373

Losses up 17,173 over last week

You may have cancer!

By Florence Fisher Parry

Ex-soldier freed in amputation case

Hard coal miners take strike vote

Expected to be willing to walk out

Army to release atrocity films

Patton confirmed as 4-star general

Yanks smash into Central Mindanao

Japs stiffen stand in hill country

Germans march Yanks to freedom

Beatings by Nazi guard described
By John McDermott, United Press staff writer

‘Can see all,’ atrocity camp visitors told

‘Nothing concealed,’ Eisenhower quoted

Nazis stick to their story that Adolf’s in Berlin

Fuehrer reported directing defense from underground hideout with Gen. Guderian

Plan for V-raid on U.S. reported smashed

Noted surgeon dies

NEW YORK – Dr. James Herbert Lawson, 68, surgeon of the American Olympic team at the meet in Germany in 1936, died at his home late yesterday after a long illness.

Simms: Russia holds key to success of conference

Reds believed only lukewarm on league
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Editorial: One in every twelve

Editorial: Only a just peace can last

Editorial: Nazism and nothing

Edson: Everybody has an amendment at ‘Frisco meeting

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Lady hordes

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson