America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Wage boost may increase clothing output

Lower-priced goods due by late summer

Perkins: Miners’ portal-to-portal pay idea spreads

By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Revision urged in FEPC bill

Yanks gain mile an hour on Mindanao

Opposition slight on Philippines isle

Officer missing, sergeant holds off panzer attack

Louisiana Yank leads men in knockout of 100 tanks, wins Medal of Honor

Prisoners receive more Red Cross aid

Supplies rushed into Germany

Publisher’s son killed in ambush

Vivisection, cannibalism charged –
Kill one Jap officer for every murdered Yank, Halsey demands

Admiral demands punishment of guilty, stern peace and military control

Yanks capture race culture plans of Nazis

Many Germans already sterilized

Retreating Nazis murder six Yanks

U.S. captives marched away by Germans
By Robert Richards, United Press staff writer

German civilians dig victims’ graves

Nazis make lamps of human flesh

Eighth Army drives ahead on Po Plain

Fifth Army captures peak west of Bologna

1,600 U.S. planes blast rail targets

Attack in support of American, Red armies

Truman names Press Secretary

Poland’s case casts shadow on security

Molotov may hold key to solution

GOP leaders predict truce with Truman

But U.S. still has two-party system
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Three cops halt dancer’s ‘extra added attraction’

Concert interrupted by ballet stranger

Allied troops to get 3 billion cigarettes

Editorial: By the grand jury, please

Editorial: Ending wartime controls

Editorial: A straight furrow

Edson: Senate and State Department row over air pacts

By Peter Edson