America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Duranty: When Stalin goes

By Walter Duranty

Maj. Williams: Airport inventory

By Maj. Al Williams

Welcome home, 1945 style –
Convoy of girls up the bay is something for the boys

By George Keaney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Pilot rides out typhoon on raft, afloat six days

Waves which cripple cruiser Pittsburgh wash him overboard five times, but he lives

Army’s secrecy on its food hit

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

The fat-salvage campaign is getting somewhere.

Housewives have been turning in their waste grease to the butchers for two years.

Now Pierre Laval has turned himself in. It’s certainly a pitiful sight. It looks as though Laval hasn’t a friend in the world left to double-cross.

When arrested he probably told the truth for the first time in his life when he said he wished he was in New York. And he was about the only “big shot” among our enemies who had his own wife with hm at the finish.

He’s certainly the right type for a traitor. Even his name is two-faced. No matter if you spell it forward or backward, it still spells Laval.

Makeup expert recalls his early days in Pittsburgh

Eddie Voight worked in first nickelodeon here – then went West
By Maxine Garrison

Lauren, a ‘baby’ no longer, wants control of salary

DeMille lauds Gloria Swanson

Millett: Whatever became of folks who used to eat steak?

By Ruth Millett

Visions grid World Series –
Crowley says destiny of football lies in professional rivalry

By Dan Daniel

Man, 55, arrested in theft of child

Buffalo girl found; missing 10 days

Old-timers in Italy to return first

Navy’s V-5 program open to 18-year-olds

Maestro regains his sight

Gives up piano to lead band
By Si Steinhauser

Mystery of century –
Hitler death discounted by criminologist

Ex-German police chief can identify Fuehrer

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (August 3, 1945)

Editorial: The Big Three communiqué

Lawrence: No supreme commander can fill Pacific bill

By David Lawrence

U.S. State Department (August 3, 1945)

Log of the President’s Trip to the Berlin Conference

Friday, August 3:

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The President received the members of the press during the afternoon. He saw them frequently during the return voyage although he held no official press conferences.

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The Syonan Shimbun (August 4, 1945)

Enemy’s difficulties mounting; all factors favour Nippon’s victory

Chief army spokesman surveys foe’s situation

Foe ships given hot reception in attempt to shell Wake Island