America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Lawrence: Why so few Jap captives?

Fears figures indicate Yanks kill wounded enemies
By David Lawrence

Doug Fairbanks to star on Navy Hour tonight

Uniform rule in Germany is aim of Allied Council

Holds first meeting under Eisenhower; bolsters hopes Reich will be governed as an entity
By Daniel De Luce, Associated Press war correspondent

Iron men just scared tin soldiers as Nazis quake behind barbed wire

By George Tucker, Associated Press staff writer

Lochner hurt in Berlin crash

By Louis P. Lochner, Associated Press writer

U.S. State Department (July 31, 1945)

Log of the President’s Trip to the Berlin Conference

Tuesday, July 31:

At 0900 Brigadier General Stuart Cutler, Commanding General, Berlin Headquarters District, came to the Little White House and called on the President and General Vaughan.

1000: Mr. Rowan, Prime Minister Attlee’s secretary, called on the President.

Mail was dispatched to Washington this afternoon.

1545: The President left the Little White House for Cecilienhof.

1600: The eleventh meeting of the Big Three was convened. This turned out to be a long session as the meeting did not adjourn until 1915. The President left immediately for the Little White House.

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The Syonan Shimbun (August 1, 1945)

248 enemy aircraft downed, damaged over Nippon Saturday

Foe Kure raiders pay heavy toll

Another devastating airstrike carried out against foe ships

Third successive assault in three days

Latest foe offensive in Balikpapan area completely smashed

Stalin resumes talks after short indisposition

LISBON (Domei, July 31) – Soviet Premier Josef Stalin who had been slightly indisposed and absent from the discussions since Sunday, resumed the talks this afternoon with American President Harry Truman and British Prime Minister Clement Attlee, according to a Berlin dispatch.

It is understood that during Stalin’s illness, Soviet Foreign Commissar Molotov represented Stalin in the discussions with Truman and Attlee.

Berlin press reports state that Attlee will be returning to Britain after today’s meeting to attend the swearing-in ceremony, of the newly appointed British Cabinet Ministers, scheduled for tomorrow, leaving British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin to carry on at Potsdam.

Hero who sunk foe subs honored

Editorial: Who’s losing?

Foe warned Kamikaze attacks effective

Thai hospital bombed

BANGKOK (Domei, July 31) – The Home Defence Command announced that some six enemy B-24 bombers attacked the Thai capital with demolition bombs Sunday from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The announcement said enemy aircraft caused some damage to military facilities while the Siriraj Hospital, built by Rockefeller Foundation funds, was badly damaged. It added that three bombs of large calibre dropped on the hospital buildings caused heavy casualties. The poops of the hospital were clearly marked with huge Red Cross signs.

$1 million damage in U.S. plane crash

LISBON (Domei, July 30) – The spectacular crash of an American Army Mitchell bomber into the Empire State Building in New York on Saturday is estimated unofficially to have caused damage amounting to a sum of about $1,000,000, according to a New York message.

At least 13 lives were lost and 26 others seriously injured, the dispatch said.

Salzburger Nachrichten (August 1, 1945)

Laval in Linz verhaftet

Herriot beschuldigt Petain sein Wort gebrochen zu haben

US-Senat ratifiziert die Welt-Charta

Potsdamer Konferenz verzögert

General Mark W. Clark in Salzburg

Kampf um Kweilins Flugplatz