America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

‘Hell on earth,’ at crash scene

Bomber and office now just rubbish
By Otto E. Sturm, United Press staff writer

Legion plans suit on jobs for veterans

‘We can’t renege,’ committee says

The China ‘incident’

Many more Japs die in Philippines

By Gerald R. Thorp

Chinese gain on 4 fronts, take Kweilin

Ninth U.S. air base freed from Japs

OWI cites peril in starving Europe

Sees danger to world prosperity

Editorial: Big Three means nations

Editorial: Post-war taxes

Editorial: From war to campus

Perkins: Unions vs. veterans issue

By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

Biographer defends Tom Paine

Hails crusader for freedom
By John D. Paulus

Hopper: Hollywood Bowl to be filmed

By Hedda Hopper

Melodious score of Carousel tops other musical hits in Manhattan

By Florence Fisher Parry

Whistle is old stuff!

Lads back in 1788 were doing it
By Erskine Johnson

Monahan: ‘We pay as we go’ say CFA members and they mean just what they say

By Florence Fisher Parry

‘Discovery’ misses fire

So happy Dane waits for break
By Erskine Johnson

Daughter pens jokes for dad’s use on network quiz show

Ruth Howell learns it pays her to be anything but ignorant
By Si Steinhauser

‘Henry’ will be himself

Young actor is typical

Remember 1944 buildup?
Navy opens campaign to assure fans team will not be 1945 champ

By Jack Cuddy, United Press staff writer

Yet to achieve the glory –
England, where boxing was born, never has boasted world champ

By Dan Daniel

Stock prices break widely during week

Churchill’s defeat starts recession
By Elmer C. Walzer, United Press financial editor

Will prices again skyrocket after war as they did in 1919?

Only price control can prevent it
By Allan L. Smith, Scripps-Howard staff writer