America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Action asked to stem Spain and Argentina

Two U.S. senators warn of danger

G.I. can’t bring Fraulein home as bride – legally

Easing of fraternization ban permits Yanks to talk to girls, not marry ‘em

European travel rules eased

Germany, Austria, Italy still closed

Tighter flying laws suggested by senator

WASHINGTON (UP, July 28) – Sen. James M. Mead (D-New York), “horrified” at the bomber crash against the Empire State Building, expressed belief today that it may lead to tighter laws on flights over congested areas.

Mr. Mead contemplates the possibility of thousands of airplanes in congested areas in the post-war era, most of them privately owned and operated.

He said it indicated a need of the utmost in safety controls.

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Petain called Nazis’ No. 1 man

Marshal sold out France, witness says

Attlee to push program of Labor Party

Flies to Berlin with Foreign Secretary

Jap chatters yes and no about peace

Admits nation might be overwhelmed

Real freedom promised Japs

Surrender will save homes, Zacharias says

Poll: Public’s vote for 3rd term ban declines

Change noted since death of Roosevelt
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Egg-and-tomato tossing leads to death inquiry

Principals include Boston teacher who wed 10 days after his first wife died

Second officer cleared in Army brutalities

Heads, torsos lie on desk amid scenes of horror

Hysterical girl surrounded by flames dissuaded from making 80-story leap
By Joan Younger, United Press staff writer

Two girls called angels of mercy

Office aides quiet injured, hysterical

New York’s ‘devil of town to fly over in bad weather’

‘I prayed for the guy,’ Army pilot says of flier who hit Empire State Building
By Lt. Aubrey B. Condit, USAAF

‘Hell on earth,’ at crash scene

Bomber and office now just rubbish
By Otto E. Sturm, United Press staff writer

Legion plans suit on jobs for veterans

‘We can’t renege,’ committee says

The China ‘incident’

Many more Japs die in Philippines

By Gerald R. Thorp

Chinese gain on 4 fronts, take Kweilin

Ninth U.S. air base freed from Japs

OWI cites peril in starving Europe

Sees danger to world prosperity

Editorial: Big Three means nations

Editorial: Post-war taxes

Editorial: From war to campus