America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Weller: Last ball game

By George Weller

Maj. Williams: Why invade Japan?

By Maj. Al Williams

A flier and his exploits –
High altitudes cause pilot to become an oxygen addict

Affliction gives no warning, just ‘creeps up’
By Capt. Gen Genovese

Browder: Stalin runs Reds in U.S.

And new party head confirms accusation
By Frederick Woltman, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Nazis had pictures of New York port

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

HOLLYWOOD – As if there isn’t enough to worry about today, a prominent New Jersey hairdresser says women will go bald if they keep tying their hair up on top of their heads n those fashionable new Psyche knots.

Goodness, that’s terrible! How are women going o catch up on their gossip if they stay home while the mailman takes their hair down to the beauty shop to be overhauled? And it would certainly look funny if the leading man opened his watch and took out a tiny lock of hair tweezed from his sweetheart’s eyebrow.

But when all’s said and done, I think that what goes on inside the head is a lot more important than what goes on outside. Look at Cecil B. DeMille and Jim Farley. It was their brains and determination that made them come out on top.

Janet Blair just loves our town!

Here, at Stanley, her career began
By Maxine Garrison

Marilyn Maxwell making stage debut in Cantor show

Beautiful warrior women glamorize Tarzan movie

In thriller at Warner, Brenda Joyce is mate of the jungle man

12 objectors nearing end of 112-hour fatigue test

Army experiments on ‘guinea pigs’ to learn effects of sustained activity

Famous chaplain killed in sinking

Japs elaborate on landing report

Mack: ‘Situation pretty bad’ –
Baseball pilots crack under strain of slump in playing standards

By Dan Daniel

Navy starts using 10,000-ton weapon

Transferred soldiers get more training

$35 idea pays millions

Radio tycoon reaps reward
By Si Steinhauser

In Washington –
War speedup will increase travel needs

Gains bring advance in victory timetable

Youngstown Vindicator (July 27, 1945)

‘Tin cans’ sneak into bay, snag Nip ships sneaking out

By Richard W. Johnston, United Press war writer

Natalie Reebel, WAC major, brings 100 girls from Pacific

Kirkpatrick: French differ on British vote

Election overshadows trial of Petain
By Helen Kirkpatrick

French given 32,000 Nazis

British get 278,000 from Yanks for rebuilding