America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Immortal Winnie

By Florence Fisher Parry

OPA allowed to end control over luxuries

Agency to stress basic items

In Washington –
Byrnes plans broad changes for defense

Reorganization near in State Department

Prison probe hints murder on ‘furlough’

Senator’s killing linked to lifers ‘on leave’

30,000 to get discharges from Navy

Points are based on age and service

‘Firing’ denied by Morgenthau

Big Three awaits Churchill’s election fate

Truman to review troops at Frankfurt
By Merriman Smith, United Press staff writer

Sailor cleared in hotel slaying

Woman hurled bottle, he testifies

Hemingway’s wife to sue for divorce

ST. LOUIS, Missouri (UP) – Martha Gellhorn, magazine war correspondent and wife of author Ernest Hemingway, said today she planned to get a divorce this fall.

1000 planes asked to hep shift Army

Senator says ships ‘surplus’ in Europe

On filthy, crowded day coaches –
G.I.’s wait on siding 2 hours while PRR fliers whiz by

Then they’re held up 4 hours in Chicago waiting for Illinois Central going south
By S. Burton Heath

‘Europe after the war’ –
Ex-Nazi horror camp now performs work of mercy

Yanks nursing nearly 5,000 persons slowly back to health at Dachau
By Henry Ward

War’s cost put at $325 billion

Chinese pound Jap retreat from Kwangsi

Allies storm town south of Kweilin

Cruiser USS St. Louis won’t be downed

Ship hit third time, but goes back

Jap trucks ripped by Borneo planes

U.S. troops move into Vienna

Entry believed result of Potsdam parley

Heaviest raid yet batters Shanghai Japs

Big airfield pounded by fighters, bombers

Bursting flak, diving planes fill sky over Kure, Kobe

This may mean the end of the Jap Navy, reporter writes from attacking Third Fleet
By Richard W. Johnston, United Press staff writer

Senator reports new peace offer

Editorial: Day-by-day destruction

Editorial: Don’t misjudge the G.I.

Editorial: Those Jap diplomats

Edson: Odd assortment makes up new water lobby

By Peter Edson