America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Chinese gain near Swatow

Reach Kwangtung, Fukien frontier

8th Air Force and Doolittle now in Pacific

General preparing raids from Okinawa

Jap Foreign Minister sees Hirohito again

Aussies make new landing in East Borneo

Mop-up near in Balikpapan area

Wounded G.I.’s speeded home

Transfer from Europe to end this month

Swiss to inspect Jap prison camps

Tokyo backs down on visit ban

Jap peace feeler reports continue

OWI raps papers on warning story

Nazis still battle in Bavarian Alps

Last U.S. Navy ships leave British Isles

WASHINGTON (UP) – The Navy revealed today that the last U.S. Navy ships have left the United Kingdom.

The last to leave were a group of LSTs which landed American and British soldiers on the Normandy beaches a year ago.

‘Europe after the war’ –
Bomb-pocked fields yield bumper crops in Germany

Food’s still not plentiful in Reich but proposals of a famine are fading
By Henry Ward

Senate group urges federal science board

Bill would establish national foundation
By Ned Brooks, Scripps-Howard staff writer

T-Men to check taxless profits of rich aliens

Refugee loophole due to be plugged
By Henry J. Taylor, Scripps-Howard special writer

Editorial: Research for peace

Editorial: Telling the Japs

Edson: Lobby seeks to kill off nine water authorities

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Drying up our wits

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Territory Japan will lose

By Bertram Benedict

In Washington –
Vinson takes over as head of Treasury

Urges U.S. preserve sound economy

Communists vote to reorganize

Texas University put on probation

5,000 veterans reach Manila

Flier, fiancée die in flames