America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

New leviathan of air extends wings 100 yards

Equal rights battle begins

Economist urges Bretton Woods O.K.

By Elisha M. Friedman, North American Newspaper Alliance

Lawrence: Shorter war is predicted as task forces hit Japan

Asserts weak defenses indicate six months if foe quits, 18 if invasion is needed
By David Lawrence

France faces ‘coal battle’

Fuel scanty, plants dead; people blaming allies for moving slowly
By Ida Landau, Overseas News Agency writer

Eliot: Russo-Sino talks of key importance

Points out possibility for another war after this
By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

Il Duce’s last writings rationalize Italy’s defeat

Blames France, his generals; believes himself surrounded by traitors

U.S. State Department (July 17, 1945)

800.515/7-1745: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union

Washington, July 17, 1945 — 7 p.m.
U.S. urgent


British have now agreed to proposal outlined Deptstel 1316 June 15. Spanish situation urgent. Reurtel 2570 July 14 inform Soviet we assume their concurrence in view of reports from Ankara and Stockholm that Soviet has so warned Turks and Swedes. Make point 5 of Depstel 1534 July 6 if can conveniently do so. For your information Dept proposes to continue stressing coordinated action and maintenance of trusteeship principle. This would preclude particular occupying power from disposing of German external assets to its own advantage. American expressions to Soviet regarding German Legation property Stockholm and German shares Rumanian oil companies will probably make these points.

Sent to Moscow, repeated to SecState Berlin for Collado and Despres.


Log of the President’s Trip to the Berlin Conference

Tuesday, July 17:

While at Babelsberg the President arose at his customary early hour; had breakfast at 0800; and spent the forenoons working on his mail and papers, and studying reports on matters to come before the conference.

This forenoon Colonel Henri [Monti] L. Belot, Medical Corps, USA, called on the President and delivered to him a letter from the Mayor of Reims, France, inviting the President to visit Reims. Colonel Belot is commanding officer of the 178th General Hospital located at Reims.

1200: Generalissimo Stalin, accompanied by Mr. V. M. Molotov (People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs) and Mr. V. N. Pavlov (interpreter), called on the President at the Little White House. This was the first meeting of the President and Mr. Stalin. After greetings had been exchanged, the President, the Generalissimo, Secretary Byrnes, Mr. Molotov, Mr. Bohlen and Mr. Pavlov met in closed conference for more than an hour.

1320: The President entertained at lunch at the Little White House in honor of Generalissimo Stalin. Present were: The President, the Generalissimo, Mr. Byrnes, Mr. Molotov, Admiral Leahy, Mr. Bohlen and Mr. Pavlov. After lunch the party moved to the porch and posed for pictures.

1430: Ambassadors Harriman and Pauley called at the Little White House this afternoon and conferred briefly with the President and also with the Secretary of State.

1640: The President, accompanied by his personal staff, left the Little White House by motor car for Cecilienhof for the opening session of the conference. The President arrived at Cecilienhof at 1650. The Prime Minister and the Generalissimo were there when he arrived.

At 1700 the President, Prime Minister Churchill and Generalissimo Stalin, and the delegates of the three Allied nations, assembled in the conference room (the former reception room of the Palace), where greetings were exchanged and motion and still pictures were made.

At 1710 the Berlin Conference was officially called to order. At the suggestion of Generalissimo Stalin, the President was selected to act as chairman of the conference. Delegates for the United States during the course of the conference included: President Truman, Secretary Byrnes, Fleet Admiral Leahy, Ambassador Joseph E. Davies, Ambassador Edwin W. Pauley, Ambassador W. Averell Harriman, General of the Army George C. Marshall, Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, General of the Army H. H. Arnold, General Brehon B. Somervell, Vice Admiral Emory S. Land, Assistant Secretary of State William L. Clayton, Assistant Secretary of State James C. Dunn, Mr. Ben Cohen, Mr. H. Freeman Matthews and Mr. Charles E. Bohlen. Delegates for the United Kingdom included: Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill, Prime Minister Clement R. Attlee, The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Anthony Eden, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Ernest Bevin, Lord Leathers (Minister of War Transport), Sir Alexander Cadogan (Permanent Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs), Sir Archibald Clark Kerr (British Ambassador at Moscow), Sir Walter Monckton (Head of the U. K. Delegation to Moscow Reparations Commission), Sir William Strang (Political Adviser to the Commander in Chief, British Zone in Germany), Sir Edward Bridges (Secretary of the Cabinet), Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke (Chief of the Imperial General Staff), Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Charles Portal (Chief of the Air Staff), Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Cunningham (First Sea Lord), General Sir Hastings L. Ismay (Chief of Staff to the Minister of Defense), Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander (Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theatre), and Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland Wilson (Head of the British Joint Staff Mission at Washington). The Soviet Delegation included: Generalissimo J. V. Stalin, Mr. V. M. Molotov (People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs), Mr. A. Ya. Vyshinski (Deputy People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs), Mr. F. T. Gousev (Soviet Ambassador in Great Britain), Mr. I. M. Maisky (Deputy People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs), Mr. A. A. Gromyko (Soviet Ambassador in USA), Fleet Admiral Kuznetsov (People’s Commissar for the Navy), and Mr. V. N. Pavlov (interpreter).

Today’s meeting adjourned at 1855, when the conferees proceeded to the banquet room in the Palace where a buffet lunch was served them. It was noted that the maitre d’hotel at Cecilienhof was none other than Mr. Goberidge, who managed President Roosevelt’s cuisine at Yalta.

The President and party left Cecilienhof at 1909 for the Little White House, where they arrived at 1920.

Mail arrived from Washington this afternoon.

1945: Dinner at the Little White House. Secretary Stimson, General Marshall, Admiral King and General Arnold were guests of the President. Dinner music was provided by an excellent stringed orchestra with Sergeant Eugene List, noted American pianist, at the piano.

After dinner the President signed mail that arrived in today’s pouch.

At 2300 the President’s nephew, Sergeant Harry Truman (son of Mr. J. Vivian Truman) arrived at Potsdam. While talking to Lieutenant General Lee at Antwerp last Sunday, the President mentioned that his nephew was in the European Theatre and that he would like to see him. Sergeant Truman was on board the Queen Elizabeth ready to sail for home at the time, but General Lee got him off the ship in time and had him flown to Babelsberg for a visit with the President.

Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam – where the conference was held – was the country estate of the former Crown Prince Wilhelm. The residence, a two-story brownstone house, is located near Griebnitz Lake and has beautifully landscaped gardens. The high-roofed house is built in four wings forming a square with a courtyard in the center. The courtyard was brilliantly carpeted with a 24-foot red star of geraniums, pink roses and hydrangeas planted by the Soviets. The flags of the three Allied nations flew over the main entrance to the Palace.

Cecilienhof had been used as a hospital during the war by both the Germans and the Soviets and had been stripped of all its furnishings. The Russians performed a marvelous job in refitting it for the conference, however. It was, perhaps, furnished even better during the conference than originally. Its furniture and furnishings had been brought in from Moscow.

At Cecilienhof President Truman, Mr. Churchill, and the Generalissimo each had a suite, and each delegation had a retiring room and offices.

The Syonan Shimbun (July 18, 1945)

Throne shows gracious concern, solicitude for Nippon airmen

Country’s vanguard inspired, strengthened

Foe casualties in Balikpapan exceed 4,000; fighting stalemated

18 enemy warcraft sunk, crippled to date

Chungking seen playing off U.S. against Russia

Potsdam confab opens

LISBON (Domei, July 17) – With Soviet Premier Josef Stalin’s arrival at Potsdam, the three-power conference formally got underway at 5 o’clock this evening, Moscow Radio announced today.

Stalin was reported to have lunched with Truman and Byrnes. Churchill lunched with American Secretary of War Henry Stimson.

Editorial: Potsdam pointers

America and Britain may be hoping to achieve great things at Potsdam, but it is very doubtful if any noteworthy benefit will accrue to them out of this conference between Stalin, Truman and Churchill. The basic political aims of the Anglo-Americans on the one side, and the Russians on the other, are so diametrically opposed that there can be no agreement which can satisfy both parties. On the contrary there is every reason to feel that they will leave Potsdam more suspicious of each other than ever before.

For example, the Anglo-Americans would do anything to shift some of the burdens of the Pacific war on to the shoulders of Soviet Russia, but Stalin is no fool. It suits him admirably to pursue his fundamental peace policy of rehabilitating war-torn Europe according to Soviet ideas, facilitated by the circumstance that America and Britain, Russia’s opponents, are steeped in a bloodier war than that against Germany, and continue to be bled white by Nippon’s indomitable fighting forces.

Problems affecting Soviet interests in the Dardanelles and Mediterranean cannot be solved to the advantage of the Soviet Union by a weak Russia; Stalin will continue to hold the whip-hand over the Anglo-Americans on these and other points at issue so long as the Anglo-Americans remain embroiled in the Pacific. So it can be seen that Russia has nothing to gain, but much to lose, by interfering in the Far East war against Nippon. Chungking also is significantly courting Moscow at the expense of Washington. The Anglo-Americans are being licked by Russia, politically and economically in post-war Europe, just as assuredly as they are being licked militarily in the Pacific by Nippon.

Salzburger Nachrichten (July 18, 1945)

Potsdamer Verhandlungen aufgenommen

Präsident Truman und Ministerpräsident Churchill fahren durch Berlin

Wird Holland deutsche Gebiete fordern?

Auftakt zur Invasion Japans?

Rationierung in den USA

L’Aube (July 18, 1945)

La « diplomatie secrète » triomphe –
Le sort de l‘univers est ile à la conférence de Potsdam

Mais on ne sait rien sur elle, sinon que les « Trois Grands » auront de beaux fauteuils et contempleront des géraniums

La conférence du « blackout »

par Maurice Schumann